Example sentences of "[verb] she would [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In fact she 'd forgotten she 'd put it there .
2 Fiona Ray , who has Down 's Syndrome , was sure she could win the tough Duke of Edinburgh 's Gold Award , but experts doubted she 'd do it .
3 In the days to come she would tell me the story , she would teach me many things .
4 Lesley 's family , colleagues and friends were praying she would make it through the first critical hours .
5 Nigel believed she would assume he had something incurable with a shade of film glamour to it — leukaemia , perhaps .
6 Melville says she would prefer it if he said that they loved each other , and that subtle point is not lost on anyone .
7 As one who takes HRT , Marie Brown says she would recommend it to anyone .
8 She says she 'd love it .
9 Nell had said she would meet me this Sunday morning in the coffee shop in the Great Hall , and had told me that the crews often went there to wait for train time .
10 She had said she would pay it back and she would keep her word , even if it meant scrubbing floors and washing dishes .
11 When Nora came she would get her to run up to the flat and root out that paste thing she 'd once bought on a whim at Selfridges .
12 Did Dana really think she would tell her ?
13 She knew he was in a position to do what he wished , but what made him think she would enjoy it ?
14 I do n't think she 'd do it , but you can never be sure with Sal . ’
15 I would n't of thought so I would of sa I would of said well if I bloody ju good enough for living with I bleeding come on a I do n't think she 'd want him on holiday with her anyway and her sister said is she had n't got enough money , she 'd pay for it .
16 And all that , or at Betty 's or , what have you , I do n't think she 'd leave them with the mother-in-law
17 I do n't think she 'd forgive me .
18 ‘ If I told my therapist that , ’ said Scarlet , ‘ do you think she 'd let me go ? ’
19 Although she bet she would like him .
20 In winter when she entertained she would send him outside to chop more wood for their open fire .
21 When he looked away , she realised she would lose him for ever .
22 Celia had told him about the Journal , and he realized she would prefer him to turn it down .
23 She had never felt so wretched and she vowed that if Maggie recovered she would make it up to her somehow .
24 Although not illegal , it would be considered unethical , and as long as Crevecoeur could pay back whatever money Jahsaxa claimed SHe 'd cost her , the contract would be dissolved .
25 ‘ You do n't believe she would do it ?
26 I just suspect she 'd want me to .
27 She had thought she would hear him calling Rob 's name but instead he hissed , ‘ It 's Mac 's girl . ’
28 I would n't have thought she 'd hear them would she ?
29 The Widow Douglas , she took me for her son , and allowed she would sivilize me ; but it was rough living in the house all the time , considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways ; and so when I could n't stand it no longer , I lit out .
30 I know her instructions included the order ‘ Do n't let anybody cry ’ but I know she would forgive me .
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