Example sentences of "[verb] she [verb] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fortunately it was a price she could afford , and she had made the arrangements , coming back to her room to eat the best meal and sleep the best sleep she had done for quite a while .
2 It was also claimed she had sent to Brazil jewellery she said was lost .
3 They had to stop the machines because everybody was laughing see with Tara on the floor so Ann did n't even know she 'd fallen off the chair .
4 He would know she had lied to him , and be hurt , and never trust her again …
5 I realise she had attended with other children and it 's no easy task to keep track on all of them .
6 But how come she got invited by the Reagans … ?
7 She had rung the doorbell , but as no-one had come she had walked round the house to the garden .
8 ‘ Charlie Trumper , ’ I told her with pride , though if the truth be known I had n't expected her to have heard of him .
9 The warmth of a moment ago that had so overwhelmed her had cooled to a more familiar glint of contempt .
10 She had sensed that he believed she had asked for the locket , that she was guilty of abusing his father 's generosity .
11 However , Lilian Peters , seeing how hurt Mrs Miller was , said that she thought that it was a good idea and after suggesting that a weekly gathering of the evacuated mothers and their infants would also be an excellent idea , Mrs Miller sat down beaming , because she believed she had thought of it herself .
12 To the fire he believed she had started at the factory ?
13 Suzanne made the public appearance after it was revealed she had complained to the Lord Chancellor about the incident at Newcastle Crown Court .
14 Oh yes , I do n't feel she 's despised in any way .
15 ‘ I can see it upsets you , ’ he said softly , and she was afraid to look at him , afraid to see again what she imagined she 'd seen in his eyes .
16 After the letter came she had hoped for a miracle and prayed for one , too , but Richie Daly 's visit had snuffed out that hope in one short sentence .
17 He was so convinced that she was , he just assumed she had stayed with some girlfriend to try to make him jealous .
18 When she recovered , I advised her to get rid of them , and so she did .
19 The person who had nearly strangled her had come at her from behind .
20 For a long time his death was concealed from her ; her mother and others told her had gone to Europe to be cured .
21 Had Silas realised she 'd fallen in love with him ?
22 Where d' you think she 's got to ?
23 No , I do n't think she have called in here .
24 A post-mortem examination disclosed she had died from a single knife wound , which had severed the artery .
25 Dorothy Spence , of Broad Meadows , Darlington , lodged the original case against her employers , solicitors Ward Hadaway , of Darlington , who argued she had left of her own free will .
26 Staring out of the window she was astounded to realize she had arrived at Heathrow .
27 She suddenly realised she had passed from the survival phase to a phase where she could see that The Body Shop had become a retailing institution that was going from strength to strength .
28 She was busy stuffing our cupboards , the fridge and the freezer with the food and supplies she had brought from the town .
29 The last he had heard she had returned to Ponten VI — the planet which had been ceded to the Guild of Adjudicators in perpetuity by a wary but appreciative Earth Central — but that was too far away for anything but the so-called pigeon post ; recorded messages dumped into a hyperdrone and aimed at the recipient 's projected location .
30 With the work on the campaign and the success we 'd heard she 'd had with it , would she find me too limited when I got out ?
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