Example sentences of "[verb] this be that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The reason the vendor shareholders may be willing to accept this is that they can defer their capital gains tax liability deriving from the disposal of their Target shares if s135 TCGA 1992 is satisfied and clearance under s138 is obtained .
2 The reason I say this is that they dive just like a peregrine , folding their wings and plummeting like an arrow into the sea to catch their prey .
3 The British intent when signing this was that it would finally deliver the free-trading and outward-looking ‘ home ’ market .
4 What he says is that erm you know when he was writing of six hundred and fifty eight seats in parliament , I do n't know how many there are now , but he says if we allowed for people to be paid , then we have as it were six hundred and fifty eight prizes to people 's six hundred and fifty eight jobs for people and he says and this is rather astonishing to hear , to read this is that it will attract adventurism of low class to er parliament if we pay members of parliament .
5 And the other thing you 'll find when you 're taking this is that you 'll be able to get , keep your erection for a while longer , maybe three , four , five minutes longer .
6 Berkeley 's reason for thinking this was that he believed mental contents to be mental images , and there can not be a general image .
7 Erm and the reason we set this is that we are erm er the er , er we believe that this above average er growth in the in the , erm , er , earnings per share of the company is what shareh increases in shareholder value really depend on and er again to give an example erm , if you take the , the , the , the , the , the F T S E a hundred companies erm , and you do analyses of their er , growth rates and earnings per share you will find that the average growth rate was eleven and a half percent and ours er , was er , twenty , twenty percent so it 's above average remuneration erm , er , er , for above av for above average performance .
8 The reason why we are embarrassed to admit this is that we have lived in an age when the self-sufficiency , the autonomy of poems has been elevated into dogma .
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