Example sentences of "[verb] by [v-ing] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Taken to hospital , he managed to communicate by writing that he was deaf and dumb , that he lived in Dublin , and that he was temporarily resident in Cardiff .
2 It does not follow that it is the duty of government to provide these services — the duty could be discharged by securing that they are available from other sources : this is what is implied by the distinction between the providing and enabling state .
3 As it was , the ‘ smokeless shimmer of vapour ’ was so cooled by cleaning that it drifted across the river to cause mischief with the leadwork on Wren 's great dome .
4 Friends of the Earth responded by asserting that there was sufficient interest among energy suppliers to provide three times that amount .
5 As for BAT , one contributor responded by arguing that it was simply a device established by the government to deflect community criticism .
6 Cancer responded by saying that they were disappointed because they buy all their hardcore gore videos from Germany , one of the only countries where such material is available uncensored .
7 Cancer responded by saying that they were disappointed because they buy all their hardcore gore videos from Germany , one of the only countries where such material is available uncensored .
8 When the Frenchman , Charles Bonnet , was confronted with the argument that if preformation were true the first rabbit would have had to contain 10 10000 preformed embryos , he merely responded by saying that it was always possible , by adding zeros , to crush the imagination under the weight of numbers .
9 The state 's Police Minister , Ted Pickering , a consistent opponent of tighter gun laws , responded by saying that he did " not accept that any firearm is more dangerous than any other " .
10 Elias Hrawi , the West Beirut-based ( Christian ) President , reportedly responded by saying that there would be no deal with Aoun until he gave up the presidential palace at Baabda and the Army command at Yarzeh .
11 She would survive by remembering that she was an intelligent capable woman with access to will-power and self-control — and that the two days were not going to last forever .
12 There is an oddity in the argument , which starts by insisting that we speak only of probability relative to evidence , and ends by talking of a proposition having a probability of 1 in its own right .
13 In order to calculate what your entitlement to the additonal reg=additional pension is , the DHSS starts by assuming that you have always been contracted in .
14 It was usually solved by arguing that our visual systems use our knowledge of the identity of objects we are looking at to dictate the colours we attribute to them , independently of the wavelength information available at the retina .
15 They conclude by declaring that they are the owners of the property and have full powers and right to bargain and sell the same , setting their " hands & seals " on the 28th day of February 1690 , and witnessed by Knipe , Enoch Floyd and Isaac Ashley , the latter two being quakers and shareholders .
16 Oxygen depletion in an ornamental pond can easily be prevented by ensuring that there is plenty of water movement which will mix the high oxygen surface water and low oxygen bottom layers .
17 Perhaps it can be done by saying that there is a basic biological species-need for sexual reproduction which gives rise to inner impulses , felt periodically , for full genital contact and orgasm .
18 what she 'd collected by saying that she has n't really gone to any
19 This can only be rationalised by accepting that whatever form ‘ gods ’ may take , whether they be solid images or heartfelt beliefs in the mysticism of such figures as the Virgin Mary , there can be no gainsaying that they are all , without exception , the product of the human endeavour to satisfy this deeply felt need to place its hard-won ideals into secure keeping .
20 Dr Geoffrey Clements , leader of the party that draws its inspiration from transcendental meditation and the teachings of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi , began by stating that it was ‘ time to bring the light of science into politics ’ .
21 DNs demonstrated an awareness of the need for compression bandaging by reporting that they regularly applied compression to 198 ( 73 per cent ) of affected limbs and ‘ sometimes ’ to a further 12 ( 4 per cent ) .
22 This view avoids the necessity of explaining how an increase in complexity can occur by denying that it happens , but only at the expense of supposing not only that there is a minute homunculus in the egg but that within that homonculus there is an egg containing a still more minute homonculus , and so on , in Chinese box fashion , ad infinitum — or , if not ad infinitum , at least back to Eve , who carried within her a sufficient number of successively smaller homunculi to account for all the future generations of mankind .
23 How ancient this thought is we can see by noticing that it is just the figure Plato used in The Republic to supply his political myth justifying political inequality ( Bk .
24 Methods of this kind necessarily begin by assuming that there is something mysterious , arcane or difficult about power which makes it ultimately an elusive concept .
25 If you begin by believing that everyone 's looks are individual and accepting that there are some colours or product formulations that people just do n't like , then you have to start from a completely different selling point than the traditional cosmetic houses .
26 Let's begin by assuming that your plot actually has somewhere for a garage to stand .
27 For example , to place the concept ‘ hypertext ’ in a semantic net , one might begin by saying that it contains documents , runs on computers , and serves users .
28 Edward made his own views clear by stating that he regarded the 1328 treaty as invalid because it had been made when he was a minor and under the tutelage of others and that his title to the overlordship of Scotland should be reasserted .
29 He opened by stating that he felt ‘ that a complete separation of crime from sin would not be good for the moral law and might be disastrous for the criminal ’ .
30 We often justify the fact that routinely-collected information is seldom used by saying that it is unreliable .
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