Example sentences of "[verb] by a [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The protesters , also angered by cheap imports from eastern Europe and South America , ransacked sheds owned by a merchant they said dealt in British fish and hundreds of people took to the streets of Concarneau and neighbouring ports to show their support .
2 Since grievous bodily harm can be committed by an omission it would be strange if assault and battery could not be .
3 Ultimately I took to wearing them all the time — only whipping them off when approached by a boy I vaguely fancied or at the doorway of the house of a friend of my mother 's , with a boy my mother fancied for me inside .
4 Ultimately I took to wearing them all the time , only whipping them off when approached by a boy I vaguely fancied , or at the door of a friend of my mother 's with a boy she fancied for me inside .
5 IF AN ANIMAL is approached by a killer it may try to defend itself by giving its attacker a fright .
6 4.5 For landlords , we propose a rule that when they part with their interest in the property let by a lease they will escape further responsibility for the lease obligations if , but only if , they comply with prescribed conditions .
7 She edged a little closer and looked down at him , then , impelled by a need she could no longer deny , she touched his face , following the curve of his cheek , the enticing cleft in his chin , the finely chiselled mouth .
8 Head bent , overwhelmed by a grief she did n't understand , she had clenched the cover in her fists , hating him with every ounce of strength she possessed .
9 If the glider is tipped by a gust it may be difficult , or even impossible , to stop it drifting to one side .
10 If you have ever watched a rabbit being pursued by a dog you will notice that whenever the dog gets close , the bunny begins to weave this way and that to confound Fido 's pounce .
11 Since the moot is attended by an audience it is important to confine the proceedings to a reasonable length .
12 When Eleanor 's book of short stories was accepted by a publisher he had suggested , Nigel found that he had mixed feelings .
13 mistake is obvious like one estate I 'm dealing with which is a half home-made will I E it was n't made by a solicitor , I suspect it was made by a barrister I suspect it was a barrister who was born abroad
14 Which particular set of such properties are attributed to her by the utterance of ( 34 ) are at least in part dependent on the contexts of utterance : said by an admirer it may be a commendation , conveying the properties of toughness and resilience ; said by a detractor it may be taken as a denigration , conveying her lack of flexibility , emotional impassivity or belligerence .
15 Which particular set of such properties are attributed to her by the utterance of ( 34 ) are at least in part dependent on the contexts of utterance : said by an admirer it may be a commendation , conveying the properties of toughness and resilience ; said by a detractor it may be taken as a denigration , conveying her lack of flexibility , emotional impassivity or belligerence .
16 The male sits on a favoured perch and when this is visited by a rival he sidles up to the intruder .
17 This group of men called their transport The Mail , and it was hauled by a mare they called ‘ Polly Stuart– .
18 When , drawn by a magnetism she was unable to resist , she looked his way again , he was gone , the place where he 'd been standing now occupied by a stout lady in an unbecoming striped sundress .
19 It was opened by a man he had not seen before .
20 The general assumption ( as in most phonetics books ) has been that speech is composed of phonemes and that usually whenever a speech sound is produced by a speaker it is possible to identify which phoneme that sound belongs to .
21 ' … if the prosecution wish to rely on a document produced by a computer they must comply with s.69 in all cases . ’
22 If the treatment is requested by a consultant it will be supplied .
23 In fact , my recent painting of Paddington Station was inspired by a sketch I made in 1953 when I was still a student .
24 For this shopping trip is partially inspired by a letter I received today , outlining just what an economic Titan I am .
25 Driven by a need she had never felt before , she pressed herself closer , her lips parting in an unconscious invitation , and heard the rough , wildly exciting groan Luke gave before he took her mouth in a kiss that burned with a raw fire .
26 She was marshalling all her reserves of anger and distaste , but they were being insidiously undermined by a sensation she could n't begin to describe .
27 He visited them in Egypt , accompanied by a girl he 'd met in a bar , who proved to be a lesbian .
28 Struck by a thought he looked over the street , where the gaslights were being lighted .
29 Several of the men always stayed in a small hotel in Cairo in Suleiman Pasha Street run by a character they called the ‘ Honest Greek ’ .
30 Have you ever come out in a rash after working in the garden , and thought it might have been caused by a plant you were handling ?
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