Example sentences of "[verb] they [verb] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This chamber should be a nice treat for the adventurers , allowing them to gain some resources they will need for the harder and more dangerous encounters to come .
2 As far as APEX is concerned they are OK up to a point but they just want to follow the legal procedures and we want them to take some kind of militant action .
3 ‘ I want them to have some privacy . ’
4 We expect them to have some degree of self-awareness , and self-regard , in their knowledge claims .
5 Date Number of homes Number of beds 1987 169 5000 1988 200 7000 Approximately half of those homes say they offer some provision for the elderly with mental impairment .
6 The relatives of our electively ventilated organ donors do not feel that we act improperly ; rather , they all consider that the process of organ donation allows them to make some sense of an otherwise inexplicable loss .
7 We should approach the white public school middle class networks in the business world and let them deliver some money .
8 He says they got some men in a van and tried to burn them .
9 ‘ It 'll show they have some friends , ’ Claire says .
10 In this case I usually get them running round for a while jumping , hopping , walking backwards and also get them to shout some calls .
11 Obliquely the Shah had agreed to let them start some planning ; it began just as he left for Egypt .
12 the erm , you know they had some sausage left over , so I thought if I cook them then you know , if you wanted to we could cook the ham
13 Play this to our captains of industry and I 'll bet they embrace some intellectual and economic modesty , like fast .
14 What we 're doing is showing them the colour of light , the hydrogen spectrum that 's given off and asking them to make some measurements on it which give a clue to the nature of what is happening in hydrogen .
15 I think erm Winston Churchill when he went for his Eton exam or the entrance exam to Eton or something and erm y'know they asked some question and he and he goes on and erm after five minutes he wrote his name , very neatly , right ?
16 Erm they er as airfields had to be protected they build some pillboxes , country pillboxes for the Home Guard at strategic points
17 Then there is the increasing problem of Spanish students who feel they know some English and decide to teach it .
18 But I think it may be more appropriate if I actually met with say the management committee as opposed to myself yes I 'm quite happy to do that to meet any individual or group who feel they have some concerns they wish to discuss and I give that I give that assurance this evening .
19 The nature of stress is simple enough — practically everyone would agree that the first syllable of words like ‘ father ’ , ‘ open ’ , ‘ camera ’ is stressed , that the middle syllable is stressed in ‘ potato ’ , ‘ apartment ’ , ‘ relation ’ and that the final syllable is stressed in ‘ about ’ , ‘ receive ’ , ‘ perhaps ’ , and most people feel they have some sort of idea of what the difference is between stressed and unstressed syllables , though they might explain it in many different ways .
20 " It 's only — well , I thought I 'd ask you — how she looked when — I mean they say some people who die like that , they look sort of , their faces … "
21 The final withdrawal without major disaster enabled them to preserve some profit .
22 The danger of swallowing can be minimised if companies take the tender offer route — buying minority stakes which still enable them to exercise some control , and still share costs in areas such as research or marketing .
23 We have to allow them to take some decisions within our decision , I think , but I 'm sure they 'll take your point anyway .
24 The idea is that if elderly people can be encouraged to think back to the times when they had lots of relationships , and when they felt they had some status and worth , then they are able to feel that status carry over more into their present life .
25 He said the young people obviously thought they had some measure of adult approval .
26 This would allow them to have some influence in the company ( unlike in Britain , where there has been no sizeable reservations of shares on a collective basis in the shape of employee trusts ) as shareholders as well as having worker-directors .
27 After a pause for thought she told Dad that he must go and ask the Captain if he could let them have some cups and saucers and whatever else was available , even if they could not have the hall .
28 I might see if I can persuade them to do some practice bits with Therese . ’
29 ‘ That 's not what Yeo Davis call themselves — I think they use some phrase like ‘ government and parliamentary relations ’ .
30 Do they exclude some information either because it is inappropriate here ( e.g. the sequence ) or excessively detailed ( e.g. the scale of the reaction in 1850 ) ?
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