Example sentences of "[verb] they [verb] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 and then they forget they have to pay for it
2 The organisers say they hope to cater for all tastes at The Belfry , and they 're certainly trying their best .
3 See what they 've done they 've waited for December have n't they ?
4 Paul and Sarah Davison retained the junior doubles title they have won for the last two years .
5 The garden is so large because it had been a ‘ deese ’ , meaning , in Sussex parlance , a drying ground for herring ; dried they became bloaters for which Rye is famed .
6 But , instead of the freedom and ease they had longed for , all they felt was emptiness where once all was tension and work .
7 They 've actually started now , they 've got a committee , of course I do n't know how long it will take them to get going for them , but
8 After an hour or so of drinking , these two gentlemen decided they wished to go for an afternoon drive around the local villages — a motor car around this time still being something of a novelty .
9 But yesterday it emerged that the four judges had written to Mr Tony Byrne , BAFTA president , saying they had voted for GBH , the Alan Bleasdale drama starring Robert Lindsay as leader of a corrupt city council .
10 But yesterday it emerged that the four judges had written to Mr Tony Byrne , BAFTA president , saying they had voted for GBH , the Alan Bleasdale drama starring Robert Lindsay as leader of a corrupt city council .
11 People lied about their intentions up to the moment of voting and went on lying even as they left the polling stations , saying they had voted for Labour when they had voted Tory , ’ he says .
12 What do you think they 've come for ?
13 Everything with them , you know like er , I mean , I mean they get paid for fair enough
14 I 'll explain they have to pay for them . ’
15 Women 's receipt of unemployment benefit automatically meant they had registered for work .
16 Culture , which later became current with the rise of social anthropology , tended to be associated with what the Germans had believed they had fought for .
17 She recalled Jacob 's constant praise for Violette , the birthday presents they had bought for her together , his frequent trips to Switzerland .
18 First she was on her own with Rose and some of the women , then they sent for the midwife , who did n't turn up , and only after that did they think to come for me .
19 Did they try to go for passing shots as they stood two feet behind the baseline ?
20 Did they get charged for that ?
21 No well they had quite a cheap way I think they had to pay for it all themselves .
22 Do they want to plan for organic change or reap the fruit of a retail giant that might , no matter what the quality of the architecture , be redundant in another 25 years ?
23 The recession has made small practices particularly vulnerable , as they lose fee income through clients ' going out of business ; nor do they get paid for work in progress , says Ernst & Young insolvency practitioner Alan Lovett .
24 Exposing them meant asking for it : whistles , pinches , rape .
25 ‘ I said they get paid for it , ’ replied Uncle Albert .
26 Then there were Heather and Katie , inseparable friends , who bolstered each other by their mutual devotion ; never had they known a Moment 's shame of friendlessness , never had they had to look for a partner in dancing or in gym , never had they walked alone from classroom to classroom , and their confidence overflowed and imposed itself upon all beholders .
27 You mean to say they get paid for stuff like this ?
28 They 've they 've asked for a few changes to their older system , and this new one will give them all that they want , plus a load that they do n't want .
29 I heard them say they had sent for you . ’
30 Not many people in the financial world , apart , oddly enough , from chartered accountants , can say they have worked for five different companies and yet remained where they started off .
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