Example sentences of "[verb] that [pers pn] [vb past] he " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They say that he said he would never come again .
2 Clough also revealed that he thought he had signed Welsh international striker Dean Saunders before his move to Liverpool — and admitted selling Teddy Sheringham to Tottenham may have been a mistake .
3 The happiness he believed that he enjoyed he attributed to ‘ method , regularity and constantly measuring our whole time in habitual but commendable pursuits ’ .
4 He had simply been angry and believed that it meant he had been right all the time and that his sister really was in Hepzibah 's Power .
5 As for the race itself , Kinane added that he knew he would win some way from home and had enjoyed a trouble-free run throughout .
6 Marcus said he would n't like it , and added that he supposed he 'd have to go sometime .
7 The shriek that went up as she sank back on to a wicker sofa drumming her heels on the ground and yelling and shouting that she wished he were dead , and that she 'd been dishonoured , made him quite alarmed .
8 Ben Hogan has said that he wished he had learned the importance of left forearm rotation earlier in his career , as it became one of his keys in his later years .
9 Now , abruptly , she could see that he imagined he 'd chalked up yet another small victory .
10 IN HIS speech to the House of Commons debate on the Draft Appropriation No 2 ( Northern Ireland ) Order , in July , DUP leader , the Rev. Ian Paisley welcomed the appointment of Sir John Wheeler as NIO Security Minister adding that he hoped he would bring the benefit of his experience in prisons to bear .
11 One 11 year old who was asked about the shape of the Earth replied that he knew he was supposed to say that it was shaped like a sphere , but that he thought people only say that so that it would fit easily on a globe :
12 Paradoxically , it was n't till her eyes opened that he knew he was wrong .
13 In 1928 , when Cosmo Lang was made Archbishop of Canterbury and went for his first royal audience , the King remarked that he hoped he would stop the clergy wearing moustaches .
14 That 's why he was in a white jacket ( I remember that you said he looked like a phoney dentist in a toothpaste ad ) .
15 I delivered what was to be my longest speech of the evening , saying that I gathered he was keen to talk about his role , to talk about Gary .
16 So , off he went and came back one day saying that he thought he had the song I 'd been looking for .
17 The nervous enthusiasm of his expression was such that Miss Daunt afterwards confessed that she thought he was about to use the gun on her .
18 Certainly the picture of him during this period is of a man haunted by guilt and remorse ; it seems that he felt he had no right to happiness , and the death of his wife had only served to convince him that he had done some irreparable harm to another human being , for which he must undergo a period of punishment .
19 Of course being nervous he often drank a little too much , so that when he finally looked up at the end of the night it would be with something like desperation , a fear that no one was going to ask him to leave with them ; but the way he looked at you also meant that you knew he would never say no , if you did ask .
20 The green at the 14th is so severely sloped that he knew he would need to leave her below the flag , and did so ‘ by about two light-years ’ .
21 When words ran as thin on him as this , he sometimes managed to suppose that it meant he was unconsciously saving them to write with .
22 And then they sent me a questionnaire saying they understood that he 'd he 'd given my address , and was he res , was he still resident ?
23 A small , fat , rich man sat ogling girls ' legs : he was there most days and represented everything Camille most despised : she thought that he imagined he was living in a Continental fashion .
24 Right , he probably does think that , but is n't it interesting er does n't this illustrate the point we 've been making that he felt he needed to have a play that , strung that historical cord as it were .
25 McCurbin died of asphyxiation from pressure applied to the neck , but the police who arrested him said that they thought he was faking as he struggled for life .
26 Oh right , I see when you said that I thought he was going to an army regiment that they put up in Gloucester
27 He said that he believed he had lawful authority to ride the bike because he was repairing it for a friend .
28 NO SNOW fell during the night and at 10.00 , after Erika had run her five kilometres under a dazzling blue sky , Karl ran and said that he thought he rather did that a brief tour of Berlin would be possible and that he would be waiting in the lounge of the Palast at 11.00 ; adding that Paul should meet them at the television Tower at 1.00
29 He said that he thought he was being arrested in connection with the fight .
30 In his office the manager said that he thought he might have a part going , and then looked at Arthur for a long time .
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