Example sentences of "[verb] that [pers pn] had [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you have ever wished that you had a third hand to make notes we have the answer .
2 Last night there was more evidence of the couple 's unhappiness when it was disclosed that they had a furious row at Balmoral shortly before the ‘ love tapes ’ were published .
3 Mr Lawrence adds that he had no industry network and little background experience on which to base decisions , so he spends a lot of time getting to know people in the industry .
4 Two years ago I did n't know that we had an immune system .
5 He had also engaged to do the same thing for Chief Superintendent John Coffin and one or two other enemies if he could get round to them , but he had let Place know that he had a prior claim .
6 For you must know that I had a twin brother , as beautiful as the day , and gentle as a fawn , and wholesome as new bread and butter , whose company pleased me so much , as mine also pleased him , that we swore an oath never to marry but to live forever peacefully in the castle , and hunt and play together the livelong day .
7 Whether or not he was a sound thinker , on which they could disagree , no one could doubt that they had a professor who loved his subject ; he bubbled with it .
8 Lily said , ‘ No , we can get Miss Bradshaw 's signature any time we want it ’ , and Vernon shouted that they had a perfect right to loiter on a public pavement .
9 Sabre has stressed that it had no formal link with Clydesale Office Equipment , which has now closed down .
10 Greece has always stressed that it had no designs on Macedonian territory and it has succeeded in getting its neighbours to say the same .
11 It was threatened again ( though Edward VIII made it plain that he would only comply if the Liberal government demonstrated that it had a popular mandate for abolition ) in 1909 .
12 Secretly she exulted that he had the car .
13 It one thing to accept that she had no future with Harry and quite another to force her heart to give up hope , to stop loving him .
14 ‘ The trouble was , Len himself refused to accept that he had a problem , ’ said Martin .
15 She was flying , just within the still pocket of air , but enough to know that she had the power .
16 When Xerox first embarked on benchmarking it helped that it had a Japanese partner , Fuji Xerox , that it could look to for information about Japanese practices .
17 In my case , I think it helped that I had a modest aptitude for football .
18 Indeed the next hours after my return were spent explaining that we had no plans to use either troops or tanks and justifying what a BBC interviewer referred to as my ‘ controversial ’ four-day summer holiday .
19 A doctor jilted by a nurse took revenge by falsely diagnosing that she had the Aids virus .
20 The government initially claimed that it had no prior notice of the Commission 's intention to initiate proceedings , but it was later disclosed that this had been the subject of correspondence between the Commission and the Department of Transport .
21 The seaman — Gustave continued as if this were the best story he had heard for many years — apparently claimed that he had no notion of how the section of mast had reached the position in which it was found .
22 Arriving at the edge of the quay , Fitzroy Maclean attempted to inflate it , only to discover that it had a puncture .
23 If , as naïve young hunters , they attacked a brightly coloured prey , bit it and started to chew it , only to discover that it had a foul taste or a poisonous secretion , they would probably remember it for the rest of their lives .
24 In the sense that er you say that you had a camera club
25 Well just say and just say that I had a bit of a ba an and I 'd like a check over that 's all just say that to them if you want alright ?
26 Then I mentioned that I had a Lawson Buford tuba solo from 1927 somewhere in my record collection and I was back in favour .
27 ‘ You mentioned that you had a half-brother , ’ she murmured , ‘ and that he 'd be coming into Woodline Design . ’
28 The seam had been so thoroughly picked that it had a sharp edge .
29 She had chosen the hotel for its low prices rather than its almost non-existent amenities , so she was rather surprised to find that they had a maid at all .
30 We 've heard of a small baby who chewed through a gift and swallowed a battery , and of a granny who bought one of those talking baby dolls for her favourite grandaughter , only to find that it had a vocabulary of four-letter words .
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