Example sentences of "[verb] that they 've [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Neil adds that they 've collected money for charity up and down the mountains and its restored his faith in human nature
2 Whether you agree or disagree with what they do , you have to accept that they 've worked out a very complicated system of values .
3 ‘ The ones who come back who are n't mutated to the point of monstrosity say that they 've seen it .
4 The police say that they 've had reports of sightings of Sir Roy around London .
5 Meanwhile the pair say that they 've had trouble in the past with vandalism and youths prowling around the back of the council owned flats .
6 and say that they 've got , have every right to do it .
7 John Gorman says … he 's happy but in some ways disappointed that they 've had to wait so long for a win … it 's been hard week after week … but they 've shown great character and the fans have been very supportive
8 agreed that they 've lent this money out , but it 's bounced back you see , it 's bouncing back on them , and this , everything 's bouncing back on everybody now , but it seems
9 Touche Ross are wasting their time and our money , and we regret that they 've taken this action . ’
10 He says that they 've had reports of cars parked on the carriageway .
11 He says that they 've had reports of cars parked on the carriageway .
12 He says that they 've had a three man gang picking up peoples rubbish for the last seven years .
13 He says that they 've hired security guards , and taken other security measures .
14 He says that they 've hired security guards , and taken other security measures .
15 Oh you 'd identify that they 've got to use their savings first
16 . I mean it 's very much again the way they 've been brought up , because they do n't feel that they 've got to earn respect and love .
17 Erm and er , they say , you know , therefore they do n't feel that they 've got a voice .
18 Well I 've recently seen that they 've started selling it in Sainsbury 's again .
19 It shows that they 've applied for the job .
20 When you look at certain letters , you can see that they 've got exactly the same features involved in them .
21 well they must realize that they 've undercut us considerably by everybody else
22 I know that they 've stopped people doing it in the past because they would n't , did n't want .
23 and they say you know that they 've sold
24 I would assume by now that erm you know that they 've finished operating and it 's alright .
25 ‘ Users can buy WINDOS now , use the DOS spreadsheet , and know that they 've got the Windows spreadsheet ready to go as and when they 're ready , ’ says Ms Reay .
26 Nobody else will get any unless they , they 've demonstrated that they 've met the partnership criteria .
27 On my experience dealing with people is however forgetful they get you know nursing homes or residential homes or whatever and they ca n't really remember from one corresponding conversation to the next they still remember that they 've got two children and that they own a bank account .
28 But we have n't got a crystal ball , we do n't know what 's going on , unless you tell us cos we are relying on members of the public telling us things , saying that they 've witnessed things what you saw .
29 Yes I think that probably this had been er very wise in this er in so I 'm not saying that they 've helped us or anything but they 've kept the middle of the line and erm In the beginning when things were beginning to whatsit er the inspector sent two policemen down here and asked me would I ask the lads not to do any damage to property and all this , and that and said , Right there 's a lodge tonight and I shall ask them I shall tell them to do that .
30 There 's this thing from the Bradford and Bingley saying that they 've amalgamated with somebody and erm they 're not publishing their interest rates at the usual times , I do n't think it 's anything world-shattering .
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