Example sentences of "[verb] that at the time " in BNC.

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1 It did matter but we did n't know that at the time did we ?
2 The key to a successful prosecution is proving that at the time of the offence the children understood the seriousness of what they were doing and were not simply behaving mischievously .
3 You 've got to remember that at the time , deregulation was looked on as an open cash-register .
4 I would therefore expect that at the time of the next recession , markets will be much less vulnerable to cost-cutting .
5 It might be said that at the time of the signing of the document he was in no position to resist both the seizure of all his goods under a distress and the forfeiture of his lease with no practical possibility of relief .
6 It just seemed easier to let everyone assume that at the time … ’
7 This certainly seems to be true if we consider that at the time the activity ( such as using a book ) takes place , the person concerned is certainly doing it in preference to doing anything else .
8 My memory is n't what it was ; but I do remember that at the time the aircraft was considered the fastest in the Middle East .
9 Some officers can now see that at the time they were " typical colonialists " who failed to read the signs of the tinies or entrust positions of authority more readily to African leadership .
10 He stated that at the time he left , 1859/60 , the holdings were made into one large holding .
11 The court was told that at the time he thought he had AIDS .
12 Voluntary settlements ( in particular family settlements made after marriage ) are set aside by a bankruptcy if made within two years before ; and even if made within ten years before , unless it is shown that at the time the bankrupt was able to meet his liabilities without the settled property .
13 Kylie recalls that at the time , ‘ Jason was really chubby with a bowl haircut and I was really small with straight blonde hair . ’
14 The memoirs were written in a very anti-communist phase of his life , and we know that at the time he received indirect assurances from the head of the Communist Party , Maurice Thorez , that no insurrection was being planned .
15 Lambarde writing here at Halling in 1596 when he revised his Perambulation of Kent , states that at the time of the Charter there were in Kent more kings than one , going on to state that " by occassion of this old Charter , I am afraid from the history of Halling I find none other report in writing " .
16 An inquest jury in Middlesbrough heard that at the time a module had been loaded onto a large barge ready to go out to sea .
17 ‘ It is quite in order , ’ he said , ‘ for a person to put assets into family trusts , or indeed give assets away to other parties , provided that at the time a person gives away his assets he is quite solvent . ’
18 For present purposes it is sufficient to note that the expression embraces the period of two years prior to the onset of insolvency in the case of transactions at an undervalue and of preferences given to a person connected with the company , provided that at the time of the transaction the company was unable to pay its debts or it became unable to pay its debts by reason of the transaction .
19 It is the users responsibility to ensure that at the time of the next offline run , the specified terminal is connected and not logged in — the offline system will not allocate a terminal to itself if it is already allocated to another VAX/VMS process .
20 Care is needed to ensure that at the time the group dividend is paid : ( a ) no " arrangements " or " option arrangements " exist whereby the parent company could cease to be beneficially entitled to more than 50% of both profits for distribution and assets on a winding up available to " equity holders " of Target ( see Sch 18 Taxes Act ) ; and ( b ) Target is beneficially owned by its parent when the dividend is declared and paid .
21 We note that at the time of going to press a restructuring of the advisory service is under consideration ( Leeds City Council 1991c ) .
22 It can happen that at the time of the sale the seller is not the owner ( and thus is in breach of the condition in section 12 ) but that he subsequently obtains that ownership , e. g. by buying the goods from their owner .
23 Kidd reflects that at the time he was not given the unqualified support by other members of P-E who felt that the search approach was still inappropriate for a consulting firm with resident consultants on client premises and that it could injure the firm 's consulting practice .
24 He notes that at the time that Hoover was engaged in this exercise , a basic Italian washing machine was gaining market share against a heavily promoted German product , in Germany .
25 His failure to appreciate that at the time is no more than a commentary on the absence of knowledge about child abuse generally among social workers .
26 A line constructed through the centres of the two circles cuts the left hand circle at Bishops Cannings and I must admit that at the time I did the preparation for the article thought little more about this point .
27 Though his popular image undoubtedly embodied the broad ideological prejudices and aspirations of the masses — including anti-Semitism — it appears hard to argue that at the time that Hitler was gaining his widest electoral support the ‘ Jewish Question , was the decisive element in his growing appeal .
28 I wonder if that they filmed that at the time when the boat was in Stratford .
29 Mr Lightman said that at the time of the libel trial the defence had no idea that this payment had been made .
30 Yesterday , the advocate-depute , Elizabeth Jarvie , said that at the time of the incident , the line would have been used by freight trains carrying petroleum products from Grangemouth as well as by the London sleeper .
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