Example sentences of "[verb] that i have leave " in BNC.

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1 I believe now the driver — I did n't see who it was — was checking that I had left the pub .
2 For myself , I pretended that I had left home with full approval , inventing for myself a Harrogate doctor father , fleshing out an imaginary family … .
3 Bainbridge has a lovely village green which was the setting for nothing more remarkable than the fact that I arrived there one day to walk over from Bainbridge to Cam Houses with Tony and Eddie , the landlord from my local pub , only to discover that I 'd left my walking boots back at home in Dentdale and had to do the entire walk in a pair of fur-lined cowboy boots , which earned me the nickname of Roy Rogers for the rest of the week .
4 It was with deep regret that I had to leave for home later that evening .
5 Only when she was out of sight and I had turned a corner did I remember that I had left the little willow leaf from her body lying upstairs on her Sophocles .
6 Can you believe it , I almost forgot that I had left it there ? ’
7 I forgot that I had left them there , ’ she said , and then , ‘ Oh , Dr Neil , you did n't … ? ’
8 Remember that I had left England less than three days before this after an exceptionally grey and dull winter and the bright colours which typify so much Australian knitting were a delight .
9 But I feel that never can I join you , for I have found that I have left my training so late that it is ‘ work or else ! ’
10 I felt that I had to leave .
11 Eventually I accepted that I had to leave without my baby .
12 ‘ Or would I start screaming that I 'd left a soufflé in the oven , or forgotten to get the coat back from the cleaners , or I was too young to die … ’
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