Example sentences of "[verb] that she [vb past] her " in BNC.

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1 Did you know that she started her career in ?
2 She did not know that she gasped her sobs aloud .
3 She realized that she achieved her most impressive results when faced with an empty room ; this forced her , she said , to feel the sort of fabric and decor that was required .
4 She had come to terms with Newley 's affair with Arabella ; she believed that she had her husband precisely where she wanted him .
5 He says that she told her husband , they discussed it and decided not to tell the police .
6 An example of the first might be Mrs Thatcher , insofar as it is said that she dominated her Cabinets .
7 They had had a bitter , sniping quarrel in the hall , because Sara had said that she needed her car .
8 To look at her you would have thought that she had her life perfectly in control — but how wrong you would have been .
9 Carolyn could see that she had her right hand clasped around the fingers of her left , and was squeezing so tightly that the finger ends were white and bloodless .
10 It is alleged that she placed her hand over the baby 's mouth , compressed her nose and tried to murder her .
11 I do not consider that it has been shown that she exercised her discretion inappropriately or wrongly .
12 She recalls that she met her ex-husband , cameraman Danny Mindel , on a plane going to the Seychelles and , after chatting for ages , asked if she could kiss him : ‘ And when I kissed him I knew I was going to marry him . ’
13 Mrs Ware telephoned me five weeks after her husband died saying that she felt her children should be taken into care and she should be hospitalized because she could no longer cope .
14 She found herself saying that she felt her father was going to ‘ drop down ’ in some way .
15 Margaret , already a mother of eight , decided that she wanted her ninth baby to be born at home .
16 ‘ Anyway , I have reason to believe that she told her young man I was a history teacher in a modest direct grant school .
17 Washington insiders believe that she told her husband how she felt and suggested he should use the ‘ excuse ’ of Graves Disease , a condition affecting the heart rhythm which they both suffer from , as a way of standing down from office .
18 Then , with a final glance in the mirror , reassured that she had her wayward emotions once more under control , she left her tiny sanctuary .
19 After the liberation he saw that she escaped her brother 's clutches and got to Rome with enough money to keep her and have the baby safely .
20 Her back was to me and I saw that she had her fingers crossed behind her back as she spoke .
21 She was sad in advance , and yet at the same time all the happier , doubly happy , for knowing that she recognized her happiness , that it was not slipping by her unheeded , for knowing that she was creating for herself a past .
22 She had dressed with extra care that morning and knew that she looked her best in the slim-fitting navy suit with a spotless white blouse , but it was disconcerting to be subjected to such a scrutiny .
23 ‘ I read a very good piece by Candida Crewe , in which she said that she felt her life had been made richer by having had step-parents .
24 In the same speech she said that she wanted her government to be remembered as one ‘ which decisively broke with a debilitating consensus of a paternalistic Government and a dependent people ; which rejected the notion that the State is all powerful and the citizen is merely its beneficiary ; which shattered the illusion that Government could somehow substitute for individual performance ’ .
25 Eleanor used to say that she inherited her father 's nose and she would one day sue him for damages .
26 Mair suspected that she used her confidential job as his PA to preserve a deliberately intimidating reserve .
27 All the evidence suggests that she had her confessor wrapped around her little finger : while claiming the complete obedience appropriate to her spiritual supervisor she in fact got round every attempt he ever made to make her moderate her life style ; she persuaded him to confer his blessing and approval on her choices .
28 ‘ … so I suggested that she cut her holiday short . ’
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