Example sentences of "[verb] that you [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 suggest that you 've got another appointment in the area
2 ‘ I did not know that you had bought her a ring today , until we came back , ’ she said .
3 If you make a codicil leaving somebody out , they 'll still see the original will somebody will know that you 've changed your mind .
4 So if I were you I would just have a word with your insurance company and make sure that everything 's okay but you 're obviously , they must know that you 've got to leave your er fridge-freezer switched on , so you 've got to have your mains electrics on .
5 Well to check all the facts basically , because something like H I V , if , if you 're not in a category that 's obviously erm , likely to catch it , you know , how would they really know that you 've got it or not ?
6 ie a ‘ flag ’ is set by the software , which means next time you speak or meet a character he will know that you have done something .
7 ‘ And does Tom know that you have come to see me ? ’ asked the counsellor .
8 ‘ If you will wait in here I will let Lady Ursula know that you have arrived . ’
9 You may know that you have passed all your exams but , if your Inner Face tells you ( for whatever reason ) that you are incapable of achievement , that is what you must put down .
10 But if they set it off without , without noticing that you 've gone like .
11 To know that you 've won !
12 He wants you to know that you 've got those and you 've got a fair idea of how much you 're leaving .
13 I happen to know that you have created life through some accident — yes , Victor , an accident , for all your deliberate intent , because understanding of flesh , limb , and organ grafts , of immunology , and a dozen other -ologies , will not come for several generations .
14 Yes , yes , And you 're sitting there in front of a client , checking that you 've got smoker and not non-smoker etcetera , etcetera .
15 You now realise that you have accepted a secondary role and sacrificed too much , whilst three of the planets in Capricorn signify that , regardless of the consequences , you must break out .
16 Erm , now what that means is , if you ca n't answer the question and you 've only got a few lines down then sort of trying t w blur it a little bit and make it waffly so that there 's something we can point to and say that you 've written something , right ?
17 And er , nobody will phone you and say that you 've got to be here , there and everywhere .
18 Mind you when you think of it like that when you when you say that you 've got no mortgage and your kids grow up they do n't need your money and that and if you 're both in good jobs it is you do tend to think to yourself well at least lot lot longer than .
19 Can you put your hand on your heart and say that you have made it plain what he or she is allowed to do ( hopefully not unnecessarily restrictive ) and what he or she should not do ?
20 ‘ You say that you have heard nothing from him — as regards the future marriage , that is ?
21 Say that you have read about the execution of juveniles in the USA , in contravention of international human rights standards .
22 ‘ Bill mentioned that you 'd started work here — I 'm an associate of his , by the way , Greg Carey — but he did n't mention how lovely you were . ’
23 In the second letter you mentioned that you had asked Wyre Borough for further details of ownership of the site etc .
24 No but then you 've got ta guarantee that you 've got restoration jobs .
25 To find that you 've left a large space for a larege number of flowers none of which turn up .
26 How many times have you reached the top of a ladder , only to find that you 've forgotten to bring the power drill up with you ?
27 And if you found that you had entered the company of players , of actors , of those descended from strolling vagabonds and historically always noted and envied for the looseness of their morals , then all your Christmases came at once .
28 No one 's disputing that you 've done well .
29 If you tell anyone your Personal Number and that person withdraws money from your account , then the Bank will consider that you have given permission to take money from your account and the Bank will not take any responsibility for the loss .
30 And , and like with the objections I would fire them straight down without I concede that you 've got ta say I can er understand you saying that , you know
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