Example sentences of "[verb] that in a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore you will need to rewrite that in a way which mean something to modern erm , readers .
2 Phizacklea and Miles show some sensitivity to the contradictory nature of working-class consciousness and emphasize that in a number of workers high levels of class consciousness nevertheless coexisted with considerable hostility towards local blacks .
3 A PART FROM a few dedicated individuals who preferred to do it the ‘ hard way ’ ( we 'll discuss that in a moment ) , the flying of a model helicopter upside down became possible with the introduction of the ‘ invert switch ’ .
4 And I say that in a right of some statistics that appear in today 's agenda .
5 Q. In a previous reply to a question on Red-bellied Piranhas , you say that in a 4′ tank this species should reach its maximum length of 12″ .
6 I say in interesting , if you built that in a model , people would n't believe you .
7 Purchases are up more than I thought people purchasing all the time is , that 's fine , they 've got a system , we can describe that in a paragraph here and that 'll satisfy them but there 's more of a problem when we 're buying in the software , more than a one off thing .
8 It is reported that in a number of countries that are regionally , culturally and socio-economically heterogeneous , malnutrition has been found to be more common among children born after short than after long intervals ( Rinehart , 1984 , p. 686 ) .
9 Similarly , in obese patients receiving weight reduction , Broomfield and colleagues found that in a dose of 1300 mg/day , aspirin inhibited ( albeit to a non-significant extent ) the development of microcrystals , microstones , and gall stones — which developed with high frequency in untreated patients .
10 Nicola Woods found that in a business setting , gender was a better predictor than status of who would interrupt whom .
11 Contrary to these expectations , Rose found that in a group of 36211 men followed from 5 to 23 years , two thirds of those who developed colon cancer had initial serum cholesterol values below the age sex specific values for each respective cohort .
12 Veblen took pleasure in representing that in a society as dedicated to practical efficiency as the United States emulation should have been directed to the pursuit of objectives as conspicuously useless and therefore wasteful as gold or precious stones .
13 However , as discussed in the introduction , one could also predict that in a recognition test situations inconsistent with the schema might be remembered best since schema-inconsistent information would be more likely to have been noticed when initially viewing the stimuli .
14 You may think that in a democracy you too can flick idly through ice-screws and ropes , but the moment you prod anything with an inquisitive finger , an assistant will leap on you with a quiz as to your standard of rock-climbing .
15 It would be wrong to pretend that in a booklet of this size , we can do any more than raise some of these issues and give an overview of the way in which the company tries to deal with them .
16 For smaller cities tight inner ring roads were advocated , Tripp suggesting that in a city of 100,000 population the radius of the inner ring road would probably be a quarter to half a mile , while in a city of a million , the radius would be a mile or more .
17 We can not exclude them from our notion of property or deny that in a sense , at any rate , he is the owner of them .
18 We contend that in a democracy predicated upon the rule of law and public accountability , the enforcement of penal legislation should be the undiluted responsibility of the state . ’
19 Although evidence is accumulating that in a number of birds females prefer long-tailed mates , the role of natural selection in tail elaboration has been largely ignored .
20 Many have been taught that in a relationship they have no right to make demands on a partner ; to say clearly what they want may lose his affection .
21 The Council effectively recognized that in a number of important matters Protestants had been right and Catholics wrong .
22 Bearded , chubby and deceptively jovial , he fields problems in Ronald Reagan-like fashion ( and I mean that in a Dame Edna-like caring way ) .
23 There is , of course , one simple critique , which says that in a religion which sees God as male , and where only men are allowed in the holiest places , there is clearly no place for women .
24 ( 2 ) The authorities show that in a number of situations the ex turpi causa defence will prima facie succeed .
25 Many clinicians have seized the opportunities implicit within the clinical directorate structure believing that in a cash limited system the most positive response to any threat to clinical freedom is to become involved in the discussions stemming from the financial restriction .
26 it is a funny film , you seen Roxanne where he plays a fucking funny , he has to think of twenty pornographic , the only women who can satisfy two by two women at once its got here , nature loving , too much , really love little bee , give a mat to sit on and stuff like that , your gon na fucking break that in a minute , time have you Mark ?
27 You have to remember that in a school such as ours the children are not as ready and willing to learn as in schools in middle-class neighbourhoods .
28 It seemed that in a school where he was in such a minority , his language and ethnicity had been defined as particular problems requiring the rather Draconian solution of Statementing .
29 A habitat specificity of a pollinator would improve pollination success ; however it can be argued that in a dispersal agent this would lead to increased predation of seedlings .
30 Sir , Your latest leader confirms that in a world of change some things never change .
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