Example sentences of "[verb] that [pron] [vb -s] an " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Recent experiments suggest that there exists an ‘ interconnectiveness ’ of the human mind with other minds and with matter — that the human mind may be able to obtain information independent of geography and time … ’ and concluded that ‘ … a general recognition of the degree of interconnectiveness of minds ( and matter ) could have far-reaching society and political implications for the nation and the world . ’
2 ‘ If the creditor takes adequate steps to inform her and reasonably supposes that she has an adequate comprehension of the obligations she is undertaking and an understanding of the effect of the transaction , the fact that she failed to grasp some material part of the document , or , indeed , the significance of what she was doing , can not , I think , in itself give her an equity to set aside , notwithstanding that at an earlier stage the creditor relied upon her husband to obtain her consent to enter into the obligation of surety .
3 Believe me when I say that he has an unexpected side to him .
4 The terms of the motion may not be welcome to all hon. Members , but what he has to say deserves to be aired and I hope that the House will ensure that he has an opportunity to make his point today .
5 In this paper , we show that there exists an inverse correlation between the amount of mRNA produced by isogenic wild-type , mutant and revertant cells and the amount of a nuclear DNA binding factor containing Jun and Fos .
6 I feel , rather than see , Moira suddenly remembering that she has an awful lot of things to do somewhere else .
7 It may be worth sending them your demos , as well as pictures and biographies , and hope that someone takes an interest in you .
8 ‘ The Princess should avoid wearing anything fussy and I hope that she chooses an English designer .
9 Maria ( whose name is pronounced ‘ Mah-Rye-Yah ’ , as in ‘ Black Maria ’ ) is the daughter of a Bean Street neighbour , and suddenly without provocation it is said that she starts an uproar of a fight in which Mrs Jenkins is stabbed .
10 If you read the report at paragraph seventy , you 'll see that it has an investment value in the region of eight million pounds , it 's only worth forty million if you kill all the tenants overnight , which is rather drastic , vacant possession in other words .
11 From the cleaners to the executive she sees that everyone has an important part to play , no one is more committed than she is both to the University and her pharmacological research .
12 Experience in 1989 showed that it makes an excellent garden stake .
13 If it could still be shown that it remains an effective expression of democracy , that would indeed be a reason ; for any diminution of democracy is deplorable .
14 Can I ask , I know we 've got Amanda Root here , who 's going to help us in the Health Action Area Report , I also know that she has an ailing child , can we then take the item eleven , health action areas now on page fifty-eight , so that we can let Amanda go back to her commitments .
15 You may have put off beginning lace knitting because you know that it requires an extra carriage and one carriage is enough for you to master as a beginner .
16 Well I think all we can say with any confidence is that the patterns of evolution and behaviour going on within it today indicate that it has an apparent beginning between about fifteen and eighteen billion years ago .
17 There is healthy eating available in today 's RAF , and with messing committees to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute their views and ideas , there seems wider appreciation of the skills of today 's cooks and of the results that they achieve with their limited financial resources .
18 We might also note that what constitutes an offence in legal terms also changes over time .
19 For an investment-intensity ratio of below 35 per cent , it seems that one gets an ROI above 30 per cent , whereas , when investment intensity is above 70 per cent , ROI falls to about 10 per cent .
20 It is on the basis of the distinction between statements which express attitudes and those which state that one has an attitude that the attitudinist thinks his theory significantly different from ethical subjectivism as usually understood .
21 An African Curriculum Organisation was set up in 1976 and has already proved that it has an important part to play in this process .
22 Where the power is exercised by a minister , for practical reasons , the courts are more willing to hold that he has an implied power to sub-delegate .
23 First , s/he must do so if the pupil is to be excluded for an aggregate period of more than five days in any term , or if the pupil 's exclusion will mean that s/he misses an opportunity to take a public examination which s/he was going to take .
24 ‘ The business case for what we are doing is obvious , ’ says Hume , calculating that it costs an average of between £10,000 and £15,000 to recruit and train a replacement for every female member of staff who leaves .
25 Clearly something does happen in higher education ; it is not enough to argue that it trains an elite and to leave it at that .
26 This means that it takes an average of 12 years and $231 million to develop a new drug .
27 Instead of saying that a person feels a pain in his foot it might be less misleading to say that he has an in-the-foot pain .
28 Not wanting to say that it has an immaterial soul , they allow that a horse has a continued identity despite changes of matter .
29 If any further immediate description of qualification is sought , we can only say that it introduces an element which the speaker does feel to be relevant to identification of a property or an entity , but subject to the constraint that the element so introduced is not actually equivalent to the item qualified .
30 I do not deny that it plays an important part , but the key to our strength is our industrial might .
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