Example sentences of "[verb] that [pron] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It also transpired that he had done virtually no mathematics .
2 It also proved to be a fall from grace , as it transpired that he 'd stolen millions of pounds from his workers ' pension funds , to pay off mounting business debts .
3 We have all wished that we 'd had the perfect retort at some time , but most of us can only think of something smart about three days later .
4 I 've often wished that I had stayed on and tried for university , but I was n't keen , and my family was n't the sort to encourage it .
5 There was no denying that she 'd caught his interest .
6 Paul wanted to retch , and at the same time felt his member thrusting against his clothes ; there was no denying that he had wanted this , when all was said , for a long time .
7 After demonstrations outside his home and threats to his life , Tshisekedi refused the position , denying that he had agreed to take it at a secret meeting with the President .
8 While emphatically denying that he had acted improperly — Richardson claimed that his resignation was motivated by the desire to avoid damaging the ALP 's prospects in the next federal elections , due by mid-1993 — he admitted meeting Symons in his Senate office , writing a reference for him , and telephoning Amata Kabua , President of the Marshall Islands , after Symons was arrested .
9 Mars-Jones J in Palacath Ltd v Flanagan [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 161 decided that a surveyor was not immune without specifically denying that he had acted as a quasi-arbitrator .
10 If a person writes a book or magazine article denying that he has committed any crime , are his words to be interpreted as his opinion regarding the crime ?
11 Whatever criticisms may be made of the STV there is no denying that it has proved viable in its own fashion in twenty-two general elections in the Republic of Ireland .
12 But in the immediate wake of the October 19 crash , IBM 's most serious rival , Comdisco , disclosed that it had lost $100m in a business that had nothing to do with its main occupation of leasing and trading IBM equipment .
13 The Halifax , Britain 's biggest building society , also disclosed that it had set aside a £20m provision against its loans to the collapsed London docklands developer Kentish Property Group .
14 Deputy Minister of the Interior Juan Carlos Mazzón was also dismissed on Jan. 15 after Noticias magazine disclosed that he had served nine months of a three-year prison sentence imposed in 1981 for fraud .
15 The doubts about Mr Lamont 's survival grew after it was disclosed that he had withdrawn from the panel on BBC TV 's Question Time programme tomorrow , with Mr Clarke replacing him .
16 If you suggest that we have produced ineffective propaganda , that may well be true , but doctors are not trained to do that .
17 According to dozens of villagers , journalists , and workers for the opposition candidate , the journalist grandson of Mahatma Gandhi , Mr Rajmohan Gandhi , who is no relation to the incumbent Prime Minister , there have been scores of such incidents in Amethi in systematic attacks that suggest that they have had sanction from higher authority .
18 In spite of official acceptance of the suggested reforms by both government and the Civil Service , various examinations into the implementation of the proposals suggest that they have had very little real effect .
19 Another interesting point is that measurements of the velocity dispersion of the galaxies in HCG62 suggest that they have drifted inwards by a factor of about three compared with the dark matter .
20 suggest that you 've got another appointment in the area
21 If you suggest that he has done anything for a base motive such as money , he replies , ‘ That does not do justice to you , or to me . ’
22 Mosley 's comments suggest that he has managed to supervise a compromise deal in the corridors of power involving Frank Williams and Flavio Briatore , the boss of the Benetton team , who had firmly opposed Williams 's late entry for the championship .
23 Neil adds that they 've collected money for charity up and down the mountains and its restored his faith in human nature
24 Simon adds that he has bought low-alcohol beer once — for an alcoholic .
25 She was allowed to continue with her mending — she did not know that we had spread a thick layer of gum upon the chair and was surprised at the alacrity with which we saw to all her needs so that she should never move .
26 By the way , Uncle , ’ she added , ‘ how did you know that we 'd gone in ?
27 We can know that we have done our best and be willing to learn from our mistakes .
28 Employing those conceptions , we can ask how we can know that we have succeeded in referring to anything , and how we can know that we have come up with an accurate description of what we have referred to .
29 Employing those conceptions , we can ask how we can know that we have succeeded in referring to anything , and how we can know that we have come up with an accurate description of what we have referred to .
30 that it has reduced over the last year at Thornhill and I do know that we have agreed in our budget for this coming year to put in closed circuit television at all four Park and Ride car parks , which presumably will reduce it at the others as well .
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