Example sentences of "[verb] that [pron] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It transpired that he had been sleeping rough for weeks and that his last known address was a Salvation Army hostel 100 miles away .
2 It transpired that he had been scouting at the Festival .
3 It transpired that it had been syphoned off into private businesses .
4 The Bishop finished by praying that what had been discussed would become an apostolic thrust of the diocese .
5 Since those days I have sometimes wished that I had been able to record on tape the conversations I had with Gilbert Harding , who was an intellectual .
6 Azerbaijan 's Minister of the Interior , Iskender Khamidov , left for Nakhichevan to hold talks over the issue , denying that there had been a conflict .
7 By Nov. 20 Mahdi Mohammed was reported to be massing reinforcements in Warsheik , about 60 km north of Mogadishu , and had placed a satellite telephone call to the British Broadcasting Corporation denying that he had been ousted .
8 An Italian engineer recently arrested in connection with the supergun affair disclosed that he had been employed by SRC associate company ATI to co-ordinate production of supergun parts in Italy , Switzerland and the UK .
9 It was the only object , apart from the books , which reflected a personal taste ; Dalgliesh hardly supposed that it had been provided by a Government agency .
10 Some return to the surface with scars on their snouts which suggest that they have been battling with creatures possessing suckers 13 centimetres across , and squid beaks even bigger than that of the Norwegian giant have been found in their stomachs .
11 Now , sources close to the receivers of the H-M Agency of Los Angeles suggest that it has been conclusively proved that she was involved in the massacre at Dead Rat , Arizona , last year , during which a peaceful force of process-servers were murdered by members of the Maniax gangcult , who then razed the community to the ground .
12 All these suggest that there has been some degree of real tooth loss in these predator assemblages due to digestion , and since this loss is also accompanied by loss of bone , it is considered that this is the most extreme degree of breakage in these comparisons .
13 Data are not very adequate but they suggest that there has been a reduction of inequalities in this area even though the advantages of the non-manual over the manual groups are still substantial today .
14 The trends observed by analysis of Table 3 suggest that there has been a steady growth in research on Scottish geology , but that there have been differences in growth rates between universities over the time interval .
15 I do know that we 've been trying to get er recognition for about fifteen years with that company but can we pursue that issue ?
16 They 'd never know that we 'd been and gone .
17 Sadly , Crystal would never know that there had been a joke at their expense too .
18 If you 've read Practical PC from issue 1 , you will know that there have been more graphics standards since 1981 than you can shake a stick at , culminating in today 's VGA standard as the required minimum in a ‘ bog standard ’ machine .
19 The right hon. Gentleman has done a great deal during his period in the House for disabled people and everyone in the House admires him for what he has done , but he must know that there have been dramatic improvements in recent years in the scope , range and value of benefits and in the number of disabled people who receive them .
20 To remind the assembly that this is a matter which was raised I think by Mr a couple of years ago and when a very similar motion was accepted by the Board er asking us to raise this matter with the the Roman Catholic hierarchy in Scotland , which we did er we know that there has been attention paid to this by the , the hierarchy .
21 As for volunteering generally , the hon. Gentleman will know that there has been a vast increase in volunteering in the whole range of voluntary services in the last decade .
22 My right hon. Friend will know that there has been a large influx of people into Dorset , including many people from Scotland and from Wales .
23 But that is neither the history nor the practice of our professional system , not just er for accountants but for the legal system as well and I think it has stood the test of time , er he will know that there has been er there is a procedure for the joint disciplinaries scheme er which enables the er institute to investigate whether there has been compliance by member firms with the standards promulgated er with er er by the er er auditing practices board and that seems to me to be the er right way forward .
24 erm Listeners will probably know that there has been for many years what 's called the Schools Council , which has looked at erm curriculum matters and examination matters , and a year or so ago it was decided to discontinue the Schools Council , and to replace it by two successor committees , one the School Curriculum Development Committee , which you 've already mentioned and which I chair , and a parallel committee concerned with examinations , the School Examination , sorry the Secondary Examination Council , which is chaired by a mathematician , Sir Wilfred Cockroft .
25 Then , John said , he would know that she had been arrested because she had forgotten her pass , which all blacks had to carry , and would automatically telephone his father to go and fetch her from prison .
26 Knox J. held that the defendant was not entitled to rely on a plea of non est factum on the ground that the mother did not know that she had been appointed attorney and that the transaction was a sale within the power of attorney .
27 He subsequently abandoned the forgery allegation and amended his counterclaim to plead ( i ) non est factum on the grounds that Mrs. Steed did not know that she had been appointed attorney and was not aware that she was signing a transfer of the property ; and ( ii ) that the transaction effected by the transfer was not a sale and was not within the power conferred by the power of attorney .
28 By a notice of appeal dated 1 March 1991 the defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , ( 1 ) that the donee of the power of appointment , the defendant 's mother , Mrs. Mary Steed , did not know that she had been appointed attorney by the defendant and accordingly could not have known that she had any power to deal with his property when she executed the transfer of 4 September 1979 , and that in those circumstances the plea of non est factum ought to have succeeded on the judge 's finding that the donee was tricked into signing the transfer ; ( 2 ) the judge having rightly concluded that the transaction as affected was not a sale , save possibly at such a gross undervalue as to vitiate it as a sale , should therefore have held that the transfer was void and ineffective ; ( 3 ) the judge having rightly concluded that he retained a discretion to rectify the charges register against the registered holder , notwithstanding , as he found , that ( i ) the title of the mortgagors , Mr. and Mrs. Hammond , was merely voidable and not void , and ( ii ) that the registered holders of the charge were bona fide mortgagees for value without notice of the facts giving rise to voidability , then wrongly exercised his discretion to refuse to rectify since the considerations in favour of rectification could hardly have been stronger and his refusal to exercise his discretion was tantamount to denying the effective existence of such discretion , as if it was not exercised on the facts of this case it could never , or virtually never , be exercised at all ; and that , in the premises , the judge had erred in law in placing excessive reliance upon ( i ) and ( ii ) above to the exclusion of the other considerations which favoured rectification .
29 Well , now that she was no longer there , he would have to pay attention ; would know that she had been serious .
30 Does she know that you 've been unfaithful to her once already and are willing to be again — except that this time I 'm not co-operating ?
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