Example sentences of "[verb] that [pron] give [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He astounded his American masters by demanding that they give him a more worthwhile job or he would be on his way home .
2 After being swamped by people demanding that we give them the freebie SEAL course , we have , after long and difficult nights of deliberation , come to a decision .
3 She says that they gave them every assistance possible .
4 If customer complaints pass your desk , ensure that you give them maximum time and personal attention .
5 Despite her eccentricity and the fact that they could n't help laughing at her , the Girls would readily acknowledge that she gave them as much , if not more , affection than they had received from their own parents .
6 But he complains that I give him the impression that I am holding back and am not fully committed .
7 alright and if you look at the diagram on page thirteen and you look at the little arrow diagram you 'll see that it gives it quite nice and clearly there is that alright ?
8 I do n't know what his name was , but I was only a little kid like , you know We , we sung that He give us half a crown each , He said do you know on , on the I said oh yes .
9 The money should be transferred to the N U M and if it is not longer needed by those families , we would suggest that they give it back to help the formation of the independent labour movement in Russia .
10 The money should be transferred to the N U M , and if it is not longer needed by those families , we would suggest that they give it back to help the formation of the independent labour movement in Russia .
11 Legend has it that the mandarin was so grateful to Earl Grey for services rendered that he gave him his secret tea recipe , to keep mind , body and spirit together in perfect harmony .
12 His best-known work , Tetbury church , Gloucestershire ( 1777–81 ) , is one of the most elegant examples of late eighteenth-century Gothic and was widely admired at the time , the poet William Mason [ q.v. ] , for example , commenting that it gave him ‘ the very highest opinion ’ of Hiorne 's ‘ Gothic taste ’ ; and his approach to Gothic design also appears to have embraced at least the rudiments of scholarship as well as its decorative appeal .
13 Bacteriologists immediately recognised that it gave them a unique opportunity to study the evolutionary processes governing bacterial resistance — as a synthetic antibiotic it could not be influenced by preexisting resistance genes .
14 Some people prefer to work their male ferret on a line , saying that it gives them control over its movements .
15 I guess that it gave her a sense of independence and allowed her personality , which was fairly dominant , to develop .
16 And I demand that you give them back this minute ! ’
17 Do n't forget that it gives us another chance to make progress in Europe this season ; success for Linfield and of course Crusaders may yet lift us away from the bottom of the ladder and give us a chance of avoiding those detested preliminary rounds .
18 They have asked that we give them a similar quantity from each department .
19 I thought that she gave them education to add to er , to the poor .
20 But while the large number of coins means that they give us a large quantity of information , their small size and the consequent brevity of their inscriptions greatly restricts the level of interpretation we can make from them compared with , say , a lengthy edict of a Roman emperor fully inscribed on stone .
21 If you do not keep a dream diary , I strongly recommend that you give it a try .
22 I think it 's true to say that we give it to them and we also drink it ourselves .
23 I suppose I should be flattered that you gave me an ‘ A ’ — though I 'd be better pleased if you thought enough of me to send my flowers in person , instead of by remote control .
24 can I say that it gives me particular pleasure to introduce Steven not least , because Steven Hughes is one of our colleagues in parliament who does a fantastic job for the trade union movement .
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