Example sentences of "[verb] that [verb] between [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the air temperature drops on a still clear night dew drops that form between the fibres eventually freeze to form a sealed ice cover which traps the air within this space over the relatively warmer soil and prevents the temperature dropping below freezing .
2 This is likely to enhance further any mistrust that exists between the two groups .
3 They showed that disputes between the males were some what commoner than had previously been reported .
4 To begin to understand mechanisms that might link the environment of fetal life and infancy with later disease , influences other than maternal nutrition need to be considered — for example , Edwards et al have recently proposed that links between the fetal environment , adult hypertension , and low birth weight could be mediated through dysfunction of the placental barrier to maternal cortisol .
5 The car rattled along , crossing the myriad narrow gauge loco tracks that ran between the factories lining the route .
6 For instance , all verbs agree with their subjects in gender and number , which means that links between the two are clear even when they are separated by a number of embedded clauses with their own subjects and verbs .
7 According to Arrhenius , the Universe was packed with proto-life spores that drifted between the stars , their interstellar voyages powered by the radiation-pressure of light .
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