Example sentences of "[verb] that [noun] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It transpired that Clive had received no formal sexual education and had learned almost everything he knew about sex from Companions and sex magazines .
2 Japanese scientists , however , have been denying that drift-nets have had any significant effect on Dall 's porpoise .
3 In a sensational interview , Susan Barrantes also disclosed that Fergie has told her :
4 This misunderstanding , together with the antagonistic attitudes of the village practitioners towards BRAC 's message , suggest that BRAC had failed to do sufficient ground work before embarking upon the Oral Therapy Extension Programme .
5 Many writers suggest that cities have become high-cost locations for industry , but the evidence of an increasing number of studies is contradictory .
6 Unofficial EC estimates suggest that provision has had to be made for about £2 billion in the £28 billion borrowing requirement for 1992–93 as a result of the policy shift .
7 Out at sea , apart from the lengthening days , only changes in bird life suggest that spring has arrived .
8 He had not read the Tower Commission 's report , evidently ; did not know that McFarlane had pleaded guilty to misdemeanours ; did not know the substance of the charges against Poindexter ; had not altered in any particular the mythology created when the edifice had first crashed down , in November 1986 .
9 Well , I did n't know that Ebert had arranged for us to stay in a singsong house .
10 ‘ But I did n't know that Mum had guessed too .
11 Anna shut the door again , she did not know that Mena had followed her , and walked round the house and came in by the terrace , a smile on her face .
12 How did she know that people had died on the Bridge ? he wondered .
13 She did not know that Clare had followed her round and sat watching her .
14 What takes place when someone learns something can not be observed directly ; we can only know that learning has taken place by examining changes m the person 's behaviour after the event .
15 ‘ Did anyone know that Mowbray had received the same warning as Sir Ralph ? ’
16 ‘ But you should know that Hob has died .
17 Is it possible you do n't know that Berenice has had three miscarriages and that with every one her chance of carrying a child to term diminishes ? ’
18 She did n't know that Alice had saved her , yet again .
19 References in the commentary to shutter speeds , and exposures and lenses demonstrated that Miles had read a book on photography too .
20 It is important , especially in my area , to accept that Mersey has achieved dramatic reductions in health service waiting lists , for which Sir Donald Wilson should be given credit in Mersey and Mr. Peter Hayes for the part that he has played in Macclesfield .
21 ‘ Nobody was to know that Germans had made it onto British soil .
22 You may like to know that CPRW has worked through Wales Wildlife and Countryside Link ( to which WWF UK provides grant aid ) to take up the threat to SSSIs with the Countryside Council for Wales .
23 Well all you 've got to know that Robbie 's gone
24 Salah persuaded the fathers or brothers of the girls to consider the schemes and these men were reassured to know that women had discussed the matter and had achieved some consensus .
25 It is a wonderful comfort to know that Jesus has entered into our dying and will deliver us from it .
26 Nevertheless it is not something that we can ignore , for the teacher needs feedback from her students ' performances in order to judge the effectiveness of her teaching and may need to know that students have reached certain standards before progressing to more difficult work .
27 The energy generated from running upstairs and laughing with Stella in distant Florence flowed over into the impulse to ring , in turn , her own mother : a pointless act , but one that nevertheless in the context seemed pious , necessary , propitiatory , and a gesture at least towards her sister , who bore so much heavier a filial burden , who would ( in theory at least ) be pleased to know that Liz had remembered .
28 Acoustic players may well be delighted to know that RotoSound have developed their 80/20 Bronze strings as an alternative to the more commonplace phosphor bronze type .
29 It is good to know that God has chosen QP to share in the work of the Collicts and the Meikles through the BMS World Mission Link .
30 It is good to know that God has chosen QP to share in the work of the Collict and Meikle families through World Mission Link .
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