Example sentences of "[verb] not been [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 The right hon. Gentleman has not been listening to his hon. Friends .
2 McDunn nods slowly , slightly , a distant look in his eyes like he 's not really nodding at what I 've just told him ; has n't been listening to a word I 've said , in fact .
3 She has n't been coming to school , Mrs Day .
4 I mean how can you justify talking to her about that when the efficiency is improved since she has n't been talking to people ?
5 He has n't been talking to anybody has he ?
6 And , the greatest guilt of all , if she had not been in Maisie 's house … if Maisie had not been tending to the birthing … then the fire would not have happened and that darling woman would be alive today .
7 Two years ago , before he received an honorary doctorate at Stirling University , he told The Scotsman that the researchers had not been speaking to each other .
8 Dougal had not been listening to her for at least a minute .
9 When the subject of education was brought up and it was pointed out that the girl had not been going to school he said that she was not learning anything at school anyway , that she was much safer here than at the school she had been to , where she had been threatened with knives in the playground and that she could learn all a wife needed to know better at home .
10 and says erm we 've not been talking to her it sa she 's not the one to write .
11 He had n't been listening to the worried discussions behind him .
12 At least he was n't going to pretend he had n't been talking to her .
13 It was n't that she had n't been talking to Mandy , it was just that she had let her displeasure over that application be felt for an entire week now .
14 And er er sort of phone call one afternoon at half past four from the deputy , oh by the way , in fact if we had n't been talking to any Brummies on a we would 've been interviewing people and telling them that they 'd got a three year and these are all points that are gon na be brought up next week , but I do n't see there is any possibility of them doing an about turn because they 've gone public on it .
15 TIGHT-LIPS Taylor to-morrow meets the Press he 's not been speaking to .
16 Because she 's not been going to the first aid room .
17 So far as I can tell , and that 's not as far as I 'd like , on the last few Fridays he 's not been going to any other bank or finance house .
18 ‘ I have n't been pretending to be in love with you this weekend .
19 ‘ You have n't been listening to us .
20 ’ Oh , Bill , you have n't been listening to a word I said ! ’
21 " I know they have n't been coming to class regularly .
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