Example sentences of "[verb] not from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is n't so long ago that the advocates of population control were being attacked not from the right but from the left .
2 It was low and cracked to begin with , then it rose up the scale , eerily , and shook out its top notes across the damp , half-lit glade until I really did think that my father had come not from the hospital but from some horribly , cold , empty region that lies in wait for us instead of all the heavens we have dreamed up to make things bearable .
3 Thus Turner has written that the sporadic appearance of trade unionism arose not from the absence of collective association but from the " intermittence " of the actual need for collective action " .
4 As it turned out the problem came not from the Opposition but from our own side .
5 The calls came not from the opposition RPR-UDF coalitions , but from separatist groups .
6 Whatever authority it had , came not from the power of the speaker — he had none in the conventional sense — but from the cogency and relevance of what he said and the hope it inspired .
7 The power of the Establishment came not from the fact that a few dozen people imposed their will on the rest of us , but from the fact that for a long time we felt it right that the opinions of such people should have respectful attention paid to them .
8 To Folly 's surprise , the voice came not from the stranger , but from somewhere behind and above her .
9 And that but al as we said , a proportion of it we believe should be met not from the pension funds , but from the er from , from managers .
10 It has been suggested that any remaining reluctance to review the exercise of the prerogative stems not from the source of the power but from its subject-matter which will often be non-justiciable .
11 The success of Morrison 's project derived not from the cementing of working-class allegiance to Labour through the unions , but in filling the political vacuum created by the downturn of political and industrial militancy in the immediate postwar period .
12 Darwin introduced a new element into the equation because he started not from the fossil record but from field studies , which forced him to consider the real-life pressures acting upon species in the course of geological time .
13 In some cases doctors will not only have to consider the capacity of the patient to refuse treatment , but also whether the refusal has been vitiated because it resulted not from the patient 's will , but from the will of others .
14 Although not exhaustively comprehensive , it does give a reasonably accurate picture and its most serious defects arise not from the register as such but because English law lacks a satisfactory system for classifying personal property security interests .
15 Apart from the Garter , the Order of the Thistle , the Order of Merit , and the Royal Victorian Order , other decorations come not from the fount of honour but from the desk of a Whitehall functionary or the nudge of a political friend .
16 I mean just because it might be safer to travel on the train does n't from the fact that the incidence of where people gain access to the rails and there are near misses either to the drivers or the people on level crossings or everything else .
17 Perhaps the groupishness of the image of social control comes not from the way quarrels were conducted but from the way men made peaces .
18 For everything in the world , the craving of the sinful man , the rest of the eyes and the of what he does comes not from the father but from the world .
19 But such destructiveness arises not from the sophistication of our technology but its crudity .
20 Moreover , the anomaly arises not from the word ‘ maladministration ’ but from the limitation that the complaint must be about action taken by the society .
21 As Figure 8 , below , shows , the pattern of delivery times for this group of material was markedly different from that of ‘ ordinary ’ books probably because 48 of the items ( 87% ) had to be fetched not from the Library 's main areas of stackage , but from locked rooms and cases .
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