Example sentences of "[verb] not [vb infin] [pron] down " in BNC.

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1 The other two held their breath , waiting for the inevitable squeak , but the sensitive fingers did not let him down .
2 That lavish endowment of talent , which had been blotted up in sport and intense boyish preoccupations , was now called up in all its force and it did not let him down .
3 It did not let him down .
4 Her memory did not let her down .
5 Indeed , quite early on , I tried to work out in my mind what it was that made his personality ( though he did not like the word ) so compelling ; and I came to the conclusion that it was because he did not let me down in my own estimation of him .
6 But he did not mow her down .
7 If you think you might possibly enjoy doing a particular exercise , but it is not something terribly exciting , do not write it down .
8 This time he did n't throw her down with a fury but gently laid her down among the downy pillows and started to strip off his shirt .
9 We had to explain to them what a three-dimensional , you know , lock-up page was and why , you know , gutters were a certain width and if you had column rules and gutters , you know , why they were centered and why you could n't , if you had a wide margin below three columns of text why you did n't move the gutter beyond where the text was n't so white , or why you did n't move it down and have it join a rule here because it would have been a real pain in the arse to have to do that in metal , so you just sit and do it .
10 ‘ Mussed ’ is a word so outmoded I 'm surprised the God of Media did n't strike him down on the instant with a thunderbolt .
11 He did n't bring me down here at all . ’
12 I mean , I did n't sit her down and examine her on her own life-history .
13 They were heavy : I 'd have to wedge them in the middle so they did n't drag me down sideways .
14 But I did n't want it down here .
15 It did n't slow him down and he led the way briskly into a comfortable room adjoining the refectory .
16 No , I did n't copy it down
17 You did n't copy it down either , have you no intention of doing it , or something .
18 Fans , yes , no , , building , you know , , and then the , they made trouble again and then for every down they did n't pull something down and so they had to pay oh so many er thousands .
19 " You did n't let me down .
20 And he did n't let me down .
21 So the , the S P S S manual did n't let me down then .
22 They did n't let him down .
23 They relied on my good sense and I did n't let them down .
24 We had a lot of youngsters in because of injuries and they did n't let us down . ’
25 Speedwise the 433S did n't let us down .
26 I did n't let you down . ’
27 Thankfully , their big black machine did n't let anyone down !
28 I think I mentioned it before , if you did n't get it down then , just put a jot down now .
29 Many women have a lot of trouble just writing one thing , and how many of you did n't write anything down at all ?
30 Oh I did n't write it down !
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