Example sentences of "[verb] not [adv] be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the view that unemployment and crime are related has not always been anathema to the Tories .
2 Even so , it is important to examine why there has not always been agreement on the value of reminiscence , and to place the value of reminiscence within the counselling process into perspective .
3 McWilliams is one of the most talented jump jockeys in the land but he has not always been flavour of the month and that 's a pity .
4 The visit has not all been work orientated , however , as a visit to Loch Ness has been fitted in , together with sight-seeing visits to Dundee and Inverness .
5 Marxist humanists still often consider structuralism simply as an attack on Marxism ; this theory would be more persuasive if so many structuralists had not also been Marxists .
6 After the hectic middle years , couples may renew or begin activities together for which there had not previously been time .
7 Perhaps it had not all been pretence .
8 Madame had not always been Madame .
9 But it had n't simply been desire , she acknowledged painfully — desire she could have handled .
10 It had n't actually been Guy Sterne 's fault that he 'd barged in and found her naked in his bedroom last night , even if his mocking treatment of the incident had been grossly insulting …
11 The sound of his low mocking laughter followed her as she took the stairs two at a time , desperate to be away from his gaze , all too aware that a scarlet flush had enveloped her entire body — aware too that the heat he had generated in her had n't only been embarrassment .
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