Example sentences of "[verb] not [been] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 MARTIN EDWARDS has not been the only man in Manchester trying to sell something of a sporting nature .
2 Yet this has not been the only old law turned to by the police .
3 Yet in Japan this has not been the only reason for being able to use less energy to do the same job .
4 The revived concern for retributive justice has not been the only response to the failure of the rehabilitative ideal .
5 Sadly Walter L Jacob & Co Ltd , described in this context by The Observer as perhaps the " closest the UK has to an American-style boiler room operation ! has not been the only licensed dealer to recruit clients in this way .
6 As we shall see in the following chapter , mechanization has not been the only process responsible for this , but by enabling the farmer to de-bureaucratize his farm and place greater emphasis on developing the personal loyalty of his workforce rather than relying upon regulations and sanctions , it has been an important contributory factor .
7 Since the Second World War , however , the political control of rural councils has not been the only factor influencing the rate of rural house-building .
8 Of course , she has not been the only case .
9 Statistical computing has not been the only impact of modern technology on epidemiology since 1965 .
10 Weir has not been the only Scottish success story to report this week .
11 Curiously enough , though , this has not been the major concern of feminist work in the social science disciplines of linguistics and speech communication .
12 The 1974 World Population Plan of Action has not been the final word in the ongoing debate on this particular problem .
13 ‘ It was probably the most painful experience I have ever had , going back through this life , this long life , which has not been the tranquil , easy existence people assume it to be . ’
14 The fact that the UK government has done none of these things , leads one to suppose that a genuine improvement in the co-ordination of health and welfare services for the most vulnerable and disabled groups in society has not been the real objective .
15 My contention is that the main cause of the British predicament has not been the British economy but rather the decline of sterling and the failure of British policy to adapt to that decline … .
16 Short term this has enabled the UK to maintain a state-of-the-art capability , although there has not been the desired reduction in the total percentage of the defence budget committed R&D .
17 Though there is a case to be made for its use as an educational medium — and the BBC 's contribution to the Open University at Milton Keynes has been considerable , if politically questionable , and will continue despite the closure of their studios in a fine example of accountant 's false logic — this has not been the main area of impact .
18 What has been the subject of radical , almost revolutionary , change over the past decade or so has not been the civic culture but the perceptions of that culture .
19 Revolutionary changes in weapon technology had not been the only reason for the reimposition of the Ten-Year Rule .
20 At the snowbound alpine inn of Kleine Scheidegg , Kartoffel had not been the only climber to get a taste of the good frau 's favours .
21 Charles Marovitz in It had not been the only reviewer from the left dissatisfied with the Royal Shakespeare Company 's US on the Vietnam war .
22 As a result , Earl Robert had not been the only valuable prisoner taken , a fact that obviously rankled with Matilda .
23 Grandpa had not been the only one who grabbed .
24 The care of the sick had not been the main concern of the House of Industry , and early personal records are lacking , but the workhouse master kept a weekly journal , the earliest entry in which is dated April 23rd 1842 .
25 Some thought the scandal might have done better , in terms of audience ratings , if the name had not been the leaden ‘ Iran-contra affair ’ but something with panache , cloak-and-dagger stuff .
26 Shiva had called it that , but in his mouth it had not been the hackneyed expression it would have been if an English person had so referred to it .
27 The literati and the US army had n't been the only imports into Europe from across the Atlantic .
28 She had n't been the only one to be quietly expelled from the eminently respectable boarding school after being caught smoking cannabis .
29 But perhaps they had n't been the righteous .
30 Those shoes , they had n't been the running kind .
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