Example sentences of "[verb] he would [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Later he said : ‘ People who do n't know him would n't get the same impression at all . ’
2 Alice said , " But he would know he would n't have to pay them , would n't he . "
3 He hoped she would spare some time for him and he promised he would not ask her to act in anything .
4 Mr Coleman promised he would not push for legislation which would severely restrict abortion in Virginia .
5 He swerved off the track and into the gravel trap backwards , praying he would n't clout the wall .
6 ‘ No , ’ he said , ‘ if I 'd ha' stopped he would n't have shod it .
7 Olympic champion Christie , who was flying home to Britain yesterday after an eight-week training stint in Australia , has consistently protested he would not put his new-found sprint supremacy on the line over 60m at the world indoor championships .
8 But she knew Adam well enough by now to know he would n't make empty threats .
9 I was glad to hear Lord Belstead say he would not use internment .
10 ‘ I never believed he would n't make it .
11 ‘ I never believed he would n't make it .
12 I believed he would not agree to a truce .
13 Simeon longed for the coming of the Christ and believed he would not die until he had seen him .
14 He added he would not hesitate to prosecute anyone found harassing the whales .
15 Although the river is only one to two feet deep G. says he would not walk across because the current is too strong and bottom too slippery .
16 He would also like to see plea bargaining introduced , although he says he would not have accepted a reduced criminal plea .
17 Michael says it 's ‘ very decent ’ of them ; Nick says he would n't miss it for the world .
18 He says he would n't like to do it .
19 He says he would n't have taken the job if it had been in the south .
20 He says he would n't have liked to have been told an incinerator was being built at the bottom of his garden , but having seen this one , he 'd be reassured .
21 If the big money stars to pour in , Banderas , who had the chance to view Madonna 's impressive art collection — Frida Kahlo , Diego Rivera , Picasso — when he visited her Hollywood home , says he would n't mind hanging a Picasso of his own .
22 Campese , definitely unlike Best , says he would n't know how to chat up a girl , though Best did n't have to do much chatting .
23 From the door Shelley shouted , ‘ I thought we 'd decided he would n't agree to meet me ! ’
24 And yet again he let the silence come , as if the silence would answer my questions better than he could himself ; but just when I had decided he would not answer , he spoke .
25 Against a background of thinking that a series should : a ) find a balance between the too general and the too specific ( in their Arnold series he would say that MacLoughlin was about right , Tarone too specific ) , and b ) be for the most part single-author monographs and only rarely , if ever , be edited collections of papers ( while recognizing that CUP has produced the occasionally successful collection ) , he suggested the following topics/authors : — universal grammar/Kevin Gregg , Japan ? — input and interaction in SLA/Jackie Schachter/Teresa Pica , Pennsylvania ? ( could be two separate volumes ) — cognitive processing and SLA/ ? — ‘ instructed ’ SLA/Patsy Lightbown ? — social factors and situations in SLA/Roger Andersen , UCLA ? — age and neurolinguistic factors/Mike Long ? ( who has apparently said he would not want to publish in his own series )
26 I told him , although it was not true , that the local carabinieri had said he would not remain locked up there for long , but I am sure he did not believe me .
27 Edwards denies this is the case , but in the September issue of Climber and Hill Walker , Mark Edwards was reported as having said he would not report any of his new routes ( or indeed whole areas of development ) until they received a second ascent .
28 And Len had witnessed his reaction and this had prompted Len to do what he had said he would n't do again , and that was to try and persuade him to accompany him home .
29 As is usual in such cases the myth seems to be somewhat remote from the historical facts but , for what it is worth , Wilberforce is supposed to have remarked that : " Whatever certain people might believe he would not look at the monkeys in the Zoological Gardens as connected with his ancestors ' , to which Huxley replied : " I would rather be descended from an ape than a bishop " , which has merits as repartee but is hardly a contribution to science .
30 Ruud Gullit flew back to Milan from Amsterdam yesterday to resume light training after a Brussels specialist confirmed he would not need further surgery on a nagging knee injury .
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