Example sentences of "[verb] he [vb past] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Forced to devote his attention to the problem , he found he had succeeded in locking it when he had thought he was unlocking it , the reason being that it had been open all the time .
2 He had indeed already announced two forthcoming lecture courses on ancient philosophy ( on the Presocratics and on Plato ) and could also point to work he had published in this field ( on Diogenes Laertius ) .
3 It seemed he had left in the Casa Guidi a gun of which he was fond , taking only his hunting rifle in case he had the chance to go into the country to shoot rabbits .
4 Her face closed in and she eyed him with a return of the defiance and challenge he had seen in her eyes at first .
5 Whatever hurts he had suffered in the past , with his Leo open-heartedness , he was one of nature 's true romantics .
6 He was the defence correspondent of his paper and I was n't surprised to hear he 'd served in the military .
7 Kaas had said nothing , had just wondered what they would say about his public image if they ever discovered the extent of the terrorist acts he had unleashed in the last few months .
8 Before the offensive began he had tried in vain to impress this upon his superiors .
9 D'Aubigny sensed he had triumphed in this repartee and stood up , smiling kindly at us .
10 Grant sensed he had succeeded in needling his opponent and tensed himself in readiness .
11 He picked up an electric guitar at the Newport Folk Festival , assembled a band behind him and played loud enough to raise the roofbeams — just like he had done in his high-school days .
12 He had insisted on going with her but Carrie was beginning to wish he had stayed in the shop .
13 It was it stuck he got killed in February .
14 At the time , Peter Alliss said it was the longest drive he 'd seen in his life .
15 When he 'd first arrived he had lived in a succession of bedsitting rooms on the west side , for which he had been charged extortionate rents by landlords who he never met ; the third night after coming to The Bar for the first time he had slept with someone who knew of someone who had a spare room at a much more reasonable price , and Boy had moved in .
16 Spring and Wimbledon were still here , even if at times he felt he had landed in a foreign country .
17 She referred to one pupil 's piece of writing which described what he thought he had learned in the first session with the advisory teacher :
18 He thought he had got in just about everything and moved on .
19 ‘ I thought he got killed in the Second World War ! ’
20 When in 1952 Michael Ventris announced he had succeeded in deciphering Linear B and that it was an archaic form of Greek , howls of indignant refutation were raised by the fraternity of linguistic experts as a matter of course , and when , with that beautiful sense of timing which nemesis has , a whole library of Linear B tablets was unearthed in Pylos on the Greek mainland one year later , translations of which confirmed Ventris 's conclusion , the experts did the only thing they could under the circumstances : they accused the discoverer and Ventris of having forged them .
21 Pascoe realized he 'd spoken in a whisper .
22 I think he got punched in the head .
23 ‘ I wish he 'd stayed in there because we wanted to beat him runnin' , not broken .
24 He had been visiting her home and when he left he had slipped in the yard , et cetera .
25 Samuel Reichmann , the father of the multi-billionaire sons , had done what Klein said he had done in Tangier .
26 Michael Stewart , the managing director of Scallop Kings , said he had dived in Loch Crinan and the area was devoid of scallops .
27 One of the permanent shopkeepers said he had lived in Paris — but preferred the saner lifestyle of the Nfis .
28 He had spoken with Norman Tebbit who , when asked his movements that evening , said he had discovered in Hove a pub called the ‘ Earl of Essex ’ where he was going for a noggin .
29 He said he had fought in vain to control his bike as he hurtled through Mathers Cross , which leads the riders towards Portrush and into the fastest section of the nine-mile long circuit .
30 Bernard particularly enjoyed the dinner when he served his aristocratic French guests with wine from some dusty old bottles he said he had found in the cellar .
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