Example sentences of "[verb] he [modal v] [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The new congregation has a heaven sent opportunity to begin again to do all it can in public worship to present Christ in such a way that those who do n't know him can find him .
2 ‘ Whatever scrapes he 'd get you into , ’ one of them had once said , ‘ you always knew he 'd get you out . ’
3 With your dad yeah , yeah cos it 's now we 've got to order red paint , he did n't get any red because he did n't honestly think , well it did n't , he did n't know he 'd need it
4 ‘ But could n't he even raise a finger so we 'd know he can understand us ? ’
5 And next year 's student , or even next term 's , perhaps , depending on how quick you do it , your conversations , what you 're doing now , once they 're transcribed and put onto disk would be very interesting , because we 'll have a disk from our St Mary 's students , transcribed , because Steve promised he would get them all transcribed .
6 Tony promised he 'd give it to me on my wedding day , and I wo n't let you send it back ! ’
7 I expect he 'll pass it on to Duroc 's men . ’
8 ‘ I expect he 'll put her on the pill , ’ says Marjorie , making herself a fresh pot of tea .
9 ‘ Of course you must appreciate I can not guarantee he will see you . ’
10 By half emptying one of the sacks onto the floor of the van he found he could drag it with his right hand and hold onto the box with his left .
11 He wants he 'll send us a er a rough erm sponsorship form cos I said we could do it on the computer you know , the
12 He 'd seen enough trees dose to the boundary to know he could use them to scale up , and his coat would protect him against the barbed wire .
13 He chose a stance high up in a plane tree where he knew that if they tried climbing he would see them long before they reached him .
14 You say he can have it when Hoomey and all swim however many lengths in four minutes , whatever many it has to be . ’
15 And Jesus , in his conversation with the Samaritan woman who asked him where true worship happened , answered that " God is spirit and they who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth , " for " the time will come when neither here nor in Jerusalem will men worship " .
16 If meeting him could make you reach for something a lot stronger than H 2 O , you will be relieved to hear that he 's anchored to the ground .
17 Not only did he see no advantage in change , he believed he could prevent it indefinitely .
18 The court heard that Jones scoured the Penrhys estate after the burglary and took his friends to Mr Penrose 's house because he believed he could lead them to the culprits .
19 GORDON Brand Jnr has a stranglehold on the GA European Open at East Sussex National but Seve Ballesteros set out today believing he can break it .
20 he he says he might give me
21 But Cyril Hollinshead , still bowling for his favourite club , says he 'll think it over .
22 well he says he 'll tell me what he suggests and if it agrees with what I 've got I 'm a happy man are n't I .
23 There 's a large room with en-suite bath I can have , and Brian says he 'll fix me up a kitchenette .
24 He hums and haws for a bit then he says he 'll put them in his car and ask if I can keep them at Combe Court .
25 and says he 'll ring you .
26 He says he 'll consider it .
27 In an interview to be shown on Central tonight , Neil Todd says he 'll find it hard to trust anybody again.The Church says he was offered help , but backed out .
28 However , Jim says he 'll take them .
29 He says he 'll take you somewhere else .
30 He says he 'll hang it in the toilet .
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