Example sentences of "[verb] he [adv] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Has he suddenly risen in status ? ’
2 Has he ever worked in a residential setting ?
3 Mr Hallman 's experience at Boeing will have left him well versed in the problems of a large computer-user .
4 Cy had him handily tucked in a couple of lengths behind her .
5 The Colonel was used to acting in loco parentis and would certainly not have responded as warmly as he had done to Miss Danziger 's maturity had he not discerned in it a vulnerability : something he could defend .
6 François Daulte 's catalogue of the oil paintings of Frédéric Bazille , the most recent volume in the distinguished series of monographs of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century French masters published by the Bibliothèque des Arts , deals with the promising talent of a young artist who might have become one of the great figure painters of his generation , had he not died in the Franco-Prussian war in 1870 , at the age of twenty-nine .
7 Had he really died in France , or else learnt about his father 's terrible fate and secretly returned to stalk his sire 's killers ?
8 See him safely lodged in the Warden 's Tower .
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