Example sentences of "[verb] he [prep] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 I think you 'll find he wants him to be the best player in Scotland and NOT England
2 His cold and frankly hypocritical accusations against Diana , detailed in TODAY , reveal him to be the perpetrator of his family 's problems .
3 Of this person she could form no idea other than that Hugh believed him to be the owner of whatever was in the sack and that he was in some way connected with the outlaws ' Camp .
4 Tavett was too preoccupied with his fear that Wickham believed him to be the murderer to form any judgments .
5 And the only Church adviser with a constitutional right to speak thought that he would be wrong to tell the Queen the name of the person whom his instincts told him to be the right person .
6 Such demands failed , however , to quell the discontent , which increasingly focused on Michael Heseltine as the only serious alternative to Mrs Thatcher , a view supported by polls that showed him to be the voters ' overwhelming choice to replace her .
7 Each purchaser was given a document stating him to be the owner of the quantity he had purchased of the wine in question .
8 Later , the College permitted him to be the veterinary examiner for the East India Company .
9 Take the examples of these verbs suggested by Bolinger : ( 105 ) I believe him to be the man .
10 She had watched him working delicately on the door , with all the attention to detail of the perfectionist , and had known him to be the sort who got what he wanted in life through hard work , never by taking the easy way out .
11 John Hinde , boss of the Manchester store , said : ‘ Nobody expected him to be the real thing . ’
12 He hates him for being the initial cause of his mother 's addiction and also the receiver of most of her attention .
13 To be fair , she could n't recall actually hearing him say the boat was his , but he certainly had n't corrected her when she had assumed him to be the owner .
14 Lewis had written to Uncle Hilbert and told him of his intention to name his son after him , inviting him to be the child 's godfather .
15 Mait had trained him to be the personification of Death , his own private Baron Samedi .
16 Yeah that 's right , very good , so nine , by pouring out this holy spirit and Jesus , Jehovah was er knighting him or appointing him to be the king of this coming kingdom , thing thus have anointed with the spirit , Jesus became the Messiah , which words in the Hebrew and Greek languages mean appoint , a anointed , therefore he became in fact Jesus Christ or Jesus the United , so , so it was Apostle Peter spoke of Jesus who was from Nazareth , Nazareth , how about anointed them , but all the spirit and power , also by his baptism and water , Jesus was presenting himself to God , to carry out the work that God had sent him to earth to do , what was that important work ?
17 All I can do now is praise the NME for finally showing him to be the xenophobic shit that he really is .
18 I virtually accused him of being the one responsible for sending the men to meet me . ’
19 He does n't take rivalry with him off the competitive track , and at that time I considered him to be the Master with myself as the apprentice .
20 I considered him to be the most unemotional person I have ever known .
21 It introduces a wonderful idea , that strangers from afar find the Christ and discover him to be the Saviour of the world .
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