Example sentences of "[verb] for [det] time and " in BNC.

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1 You 've done more than you thought you 'd ever get away with and so in a sense it 's all gain from here , in fact it 's been all gain for some time and so you ca n't complain and you do n't intend to if fate deserts you now .
2 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
3 I have been teaching machine knitting for some time and often come across pupils who have experienced the same problem .
4 So I should n't think he 's been driving for some time and
5 These are not , however , the same kind of truth ; for the first holds for all time and every place , whereas the second has to do with a specific event which as a matter of fact took place at a particular point in history .
6 The research has been done for some time and the results have been known for some time , yet still the Government do nothing .
7 I went reinforced too by all I had been doing for myself and with the knowledge that I felt better than I had felt for some time and that that growth towards well being appeared to be increasing with each day .
8 By week 4 , you should be feeling quite well , perhaps better than you have felt for some time and , with any luck , you will be a good deal nearer to your target weight .
9 To the extent that talking and trying hard to talk for less time and have more tasks to do which are to a certain extent self-explanatory , rather than having long involved tasks which two or three get on with and the rest opt out .
10 Bound , hard cover books , laboratory notebooks have been used for some time and have a strong pedigree .
11 However , dissolution does not occur for some time and the excellent tissue reactions of the hydroxyapatite coatings have a very positive role .
12 The demo can be played for some time and allows for detailed assessment before opting to buy .
13 He was speaking for some time and when he had finished he turned to his wife .
14 ‘ It is a risk , but it 's something I have wanted to do for some time and I believe it is feasible .
15 The squinch had been known for some time and was used in Persia , Turkestan , Armenia and Asia Minor .
16 The noise continued for same time and as the male laughter increased I realised the parcel must be a large one .
17 The rights and wrongs of it were debated for some time and the feeling seemed to be that the TCCB had come out of it in a worse light than Gatting ; as the Melbourne newspaper The Age put it , ‘ Gatting , caught rumour , bowled hypocrisy , 0 ’ .
18 However , this is not expected to happen for some time and even when reform is introduced , the probability is that it will be phased in over a number of years .
19 In the UK , this ideal has been eroding for some time and seems unlikely to survive the escalating costs of current treatments .
20 If a claim is initially received under item 5 and weekly benefits have been paid for some time and the initial medical prognosis was poor , close attention should be paid to the possibility of a capital benefits claim being made .
21 It is one of the most substantial ( 371 pages ) reconsiderations of the man and his music to have been published for some time and , although it is not easy reading , it is a stimulating book which opera producers in particular should keep handy .
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