Example sentences of "[verb] for [det] time [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Magistrates adjourned the hearing until later today after a solicitor asked for more time to consult his clients .
2 The remaining colleges of higher education , approximately thirty in number , have their courses validated by the CNAA and , although the movement in this direction away from university validation has slowed down considerably , it is likely to continue for some time to come .
3 By far the most popular location in recent years has been the Netherlands , for the very good reason that it has for some time offered by far the best deal .
4 The existence of such a large ( see 12:37 ) alien group in his borderlands has for some time made Pharaoh uneasy .
5 While the Scottish Wildlife Trust has for some time had a system for identifying second tier biological sites , primarily as a conservation mechanism , no such system has been created for geological or geomorphological sites , until now .
6 The government has for some time known that this site would be available , yet from the announcement of the project to the Minister 's stated deadline for consultation is 8 months , including the summer months .
7 Efforts have been made for some time to get this off the ground and a successful public meeting was held at Newtown at the end of April .
8 Above all , they will need your loving understanding and support for some time to come .
9 A ‘ minder ’ is allocated , who is freed for that time to assist the trainee .
10 Allowed to choose her hairdresser , Carole Ann Ford plumped for an up-and-coming young stylist she had known and visited for some time named Vidal Sassoon .
11 Torrance almost had to pull out of the Lancome Trophy at St Nom La Bretesche when a foot disorder he has had for some time flared up during the final round .
12 We stand for some time looking at its forty-six Doric columns ( some of them , sadly , fallen ) , appreciating the entasis , the capital formation , the details of the entablature , and so on .
13 The International Stock Exchange has called for more time to implement the changes but so far it has had little success .
14 March wind doth blow for some time to come , according to the coastguard , and believe me it blows hellish hard round Gullholm . ’
15 The arguaments over the truth of the book and whether it should have been made public will rage for some time to come .
16 His feet began to tap more and more loudly beneath the desk and his jaw quivered more and more violently as Blanche put her side of the story and pleaded for more time to finish the investigation .
17 He did this to demonstrate for all time to come the extraordinary greatness of his grace in the love he showed us in Christ Jesus .
18 I struggled for some time to understand the metaphors until an inner voice said to me during meditation : ‘ You 're in martyr over this book . ’
19 Lydia lay for some time wondering how best to upset him .
20 In another passage our final text reads ‘ His words were as if meant for himself , but he spoke them aloud , and he continued for some time to look at his sister like a man perplexed . ’
21 The magazine text brings in the paradox of public and yet as if private utterance : ‘ His words were as if spoken to himself , but he spoke them aloud , and he continued for some time to look at his sister like a man perplexed . ’
22 The military wing of Massoud Rajavi 's Mojahadin-e Khalq , the National Liberation Army ( NLA ) , had for some time operated out of the base with the permission of the Iraqi government .
23 He lost little or nothing by the concession and , as we have seen , the papal letters had for some time indicated the likelihood of such a solution being acceptable at Rome .
24 R. A. Butler , one of the Conservative Party 's chief spokesmen on foreign affairs , stated in the House of Commons on 27 February 1947 that he had for some time regarded Korea ‘ as perhaps the greatest danger spot for peace in the Far East ’ .
25 Wilson had for some time claimed to the International Transport Workers ' Federation that the Shipping Federation would crumble if the fight could be carried to every port at one and the same time .
26 As already mentioned , the Irish bishops had for some time found the separation of church and state both a workable and desirable solution .
27 The fact that the applicants in the main proceedings had for some time circumvented the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy did not give them any legitimate expectation that they would be allowed to continue to do so in the future .
28 Gervold , abbot of St Wandrille , who had for some time supervised the exaction of tolls at various Channel ports ( particularly Quentovic ) and established cordial relations with Offa , evidently mollified Charlemagne and a trade embargo was not maintained .
29 Our own expert Mandy Johnson has been telling you the wisdom of physiotherapy for many , many months and will continue for some time to come .
30 Certain branches of the Ulster Workers ' Council wished for more time to prepare their particular factory or section of industry .
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