Example sentences of "[verb] for [det] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 He will not have long to wait for another diet of his own words .
2 SEP had simply assumed that expenditure on upkeep would more than compensate for any deterioration of its warehouses ’ .
3 It makes it easier , in principle , to ‘ see ’ how many hypotheses are competing for some portion of an utterance , for example , and to decide which are the most promising given the evidence .
4 It must have cost a lot of money to go for that amount of time ?
5 And in a sense Mao is saying that it 's , it 's not right to go straight for land reform , you , you 've got to go for this policy of rent reduction , interest rate reduction first .
6 So try to get him to a point where he is agreeable to discussing the problem openly with you or else to go for some form of counselling .
7 One type of authoritarian rule had been followed by another , not allowing for that kind of unsettling liberalization which is so conducive to uprisings among minorities .
8 But even allowing for that trait of nature , the number of occasions on which both Conservatives and Labour politicians have told me they are doing better than the polls say is now large enough to make me sniff the air suspiciously .
9 It is not surprising to find the Russian government in 1784 asking officially for information on the organisation of the ministry ; and the memorandum drawn up in response to this request by one of the premiers commis paints , even allowing for some gilding of the lily , an impressive picture of the efficiency with which , at least in theory , correspondence was classified , answered and indexed .
10 Based on an earlier estimate of £70,000 for computerised support of approximately 20,000 files in another department ( without networking costs ) , a similar system for the Highways and Planning departments , allowing for some economy of scale , could have cost in excess of £150,000 at the prices that were then current .
11 Can the Minister tell us whether Britain 's shipyards will be assured of a very early decision on a type 42 replacement , thus allowing for some continuity of work and ending the grave uncertainty in the shipyards so that men and management can get on with what they do best — building ships in British yards ?
12 Even allowing for some massaging of programmes into ‘ serious ’ categories , ITV 's progressive seriousness saw a halving of its ‘ entertainment ’ schedules .
13 Their contract had come to an end ( see Chapter 14 , Frustration , below ) and they were in the same position as any other free seamen in Port Philip : ‘ they might stipulate for any amount of remuneration ; and , considering the circumstances , £40 might not have been an exorbitant sum ’ — per Erle J.
14 Controlling on such long-term forces as the strength of partisanship in the electorate and regional differences in turnout and voting patterns , the influence of these categories of forces is examined for each type of parliamentary election separately and for the change between them .
15 Program the sensor pods to search for any sign of ancient habitations within a twelve thousand mile radius of the pole . ’
16 The explanation given for this splitting of conception from execution with large batch sizes was that ‘ the smaller the batch size is , the greater is the need for frequent conversion of machines to new tools , fixtures and parts programmes , and the less is machine-setting expertise differentiated from operating ’ ( Sorge et al. 1983 , 150 ) .
17 To develop a list of questions in a structured way as the basis for a second round of fact-finding , a root definition was formulated for each sub-system of the post-ERA model , and a series of second level models constructed .
18 As discussed earlier ( p. 101 ) , a patient thought to require further or more prolonged help may be referred for another kind of treatment .
19 Raising the trapdoor a little more so he could see out , he cautiously pushed out the barrel of the shotgun and checked for any sign of enemy personnel , as best as he could in his limited field of vision .
20 Account for each clause of the following newspaper report in terms of the writer 's assumptions of what is given and new information for the reader .
21 Incomes policies were seen as crucial to help solve our problems , yet over and over again governments found that political pressures made these very difficult to sustain for any length of time .
22 They are peaceful people , too , and many of them have been persecuted for that love of peace : Arthur Raistrick , Yorkshire Dalesman and the greatest living Dales historian , was imprisoned as a pacifist during the First World War , while in earlier times , the Quakers led by William Penn fled to America where they founded Pennsylvania , the capital city of which is Philadelphia , the city of brotherly love .
23 On May 13th , after days of heavy selling by the markets — and heavy buying by Spain 's central bank — the government suspended its obligation to defend the peseta , and asked for another realignment of the system .
24 The Ministry of Supply asked for any kind of bone except the backbone of a kipper .
25 The sooner an agreement is notified the longer the period of protection from fines is likely to be , since such protection does not exist for any period of operation of an agreement prior to notification .
26 It follows that I award for this period of care by the plaintiff 's parents the sum of fifteen thousand pounds which equates to an award of three pounds hourly for five thousand hours .
27 Fold the strip along its length where the corners occur so that you have a sharp , straight crease for each angle of the tin .
28 Six seconds of fame after hours of queueing for this fan of a fan THE Lamports had queued for four hours before they were interviewed for the Antiques .
29 ( This reference to the task of childhood is rather my own effort to develop Spinoza 's own richly fruitful but rather abstract ideas in more concrete terms than a direct report upon what he says — the same goes for some other of my remarks . )
30 The total score ( maximum 9 ) was then calculated for each phase of the study .
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