Example sentences of "[verb] i have [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I mean I have access to cars but
2 Those friends on the police force who would doubtless fail to remember me these nights had even let me have carbons of a few rap sheets .
3 I mean when I moved I had stuff in here before the upstairs was used , I had it for about a year or so , before I opened it up .
4 I mean listen I 'm the first person to talk in in support of body piercing I look I have parts of my body pierced I like it but I do n't think standing around the street corners sort of revealing it is a nice thing to do .
5 you know I have n't er had I had letters about it ?
6 ‘ The less you respond to him the more he tries to get to you — I know I can be a bit intense so it 's really good that he taught me to have fun at work and loosen up . ’
7 Readers are invited to let me have queries about the book business , at home or abroad , and to offer answers to queries already put .
8 ‘ I want you to let me have Hannah for a few days .
9 When I was born I had cancer in my eye .
10 I know my body bulge is in the wrong places and I know I have signs of ageing , I was reminded even this morning by a close friend about my grey hairs , which I do n't give too hoops about
11 ‘ I suppose I 've kind of been labelled with the Mystery Train riff … ’
12 The Scots face Italy at Ibrox on Wednesday , and Roxburgh said : ‘ The backbone of the team is very important and I believe I have players of very high quality who will form the spine of our side on Wednesday . ’
13 ‘ Miss Kenton , if you for one moment believe I have time on my hands , that displays more clearly than ever your great inexperience , I trust that in years to come , you will gain a clearer picture of what occurs in a house like this . ’
14 but I have two cheese sa two cheesy sandwiches , and col coleslaw for my dinner and erm I do n't have I have chicken on , on erm a , cos what you call it ?
15 I feel I 've kind of got it off my chest . "
16 I felt I had music inside me that I wanted people to hear .
17 The first evidence of Cat 's ‘ I felt I had music inside me that I wanted people to hear .
18 After a short tussle a 5lb barbel was heading towards the landing net and I must admit I had visions of winning the match — 6 ½lb in the first twenty minutes is n't a bad start on any water .
19 Oh well it 's gon na be another forty five minutes I must admit I have sympathy for the people who are going to listen to this .
20 I was sure that everyone in Hollywood knew I had holes in my shoes and my underwear .
21 and I knew I had orders for them all , Katriane .
22 Well I knew I had caps on all the others .
23 When I learned your probable identity , and knew I had Kirtlington for my neighbour — ’
24 Oh I I thought I had loads of
25 I thought I had trouble with names , but I was n't going to ask because I knew Antiope was the mother of Achilles in Greek mythology .
26 Therefore , I would be grateful if you could let me have quotes for the following on the basis of 200 , 300 and 500 copies :
27 It was a slow and painful realization , as when he had told me that he had been deliberately tempting me to have sex with him all along … .
28 I think I had appointment for week after she were due
29 The first thing to do is to rephrase the question that everyone asks themselves , not ‘ what would I like to grow , what do I want to grow ? ’ but ‘ what do I have space for , and how much time am I prepared to devote to looking after what I plant ? ’
30 Well , do I have news for you and them .
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