Example sentences of "[verb] it 'll [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I expect it 'll turn up eventually , if it has n't already .
2 ‘ I expect it 'll come out fine , Dad , ’ she said .
3 ‘ How come it 'll rub off on me ?
4 But Thamesdown Council say it 'll cost too much to put up gates and fences to keep the dogs out and it ca n't afford to pay the legal cost of bringing in a by law .
5 Well they say it 'll come out like that see .
6 Only seven positions will be lost in the UK , and the 235-strong Bristol-based operation says it 'll break out its year-end figures from overall Dun & Bradstreet Software numbers for the first time on December 11 .
7 DEC says it 'll go along with the Open Software Foundation 's choice symmetric multiprocessing technology and expects it to be delivered a new release early next year .
8 He says it 'll go back to the Conservatives at the next election .
9 It is taking orders for uni-processor 33MHz system now , and says it 'll move up to 40MHz CPUs ‘ once we are comfortable with it . ’
10 Informix says it 'll take around a year to productise SNI 's data dictionary , even though ERMS is already implemented for versions of the database which SNI supplies to customers under an existing marketing agreement the two have .
11 New hardware technologies addressing emerging markets for personal and consumer-oriented digital image processing solutions will be spawned by SGI 's new digital sight and sound division which has taken the entry-level Indigo model and says it 'll work down from there .
12 I hope it 'll crash less often than the index .
13 I missed the end of that , I I hope it 'll come back on again cos I enjoyed it .
14 You ca n't close your eyes and say , it is n't there , if I do n't look it 'll go away .
15 Do n't just hope it 'll go away .
16 We can only pray and hope it 'll turn out for the best . ’
17 Yeah I definitely think she ought to have have a check up better to have a check you and it be nothing , than just keep hanging on saying it 'll go away and it does n't , it just gets worse .
18 Once again Pencom Systems Inc , Austin , Texas , will be holding a job fair at Unix Expo , saying it 'll have around 300 vacancies on offer .
19 I 'm not saying it 'll come out right , but that 's what I 'm saying I would do it .
20 If there is a tunnel , then I reckon it 'll come out in the woods somewhere to the north of the fence an' close to it .
21 ‘ I reckon it 'll take maybe five more years , ’ he says .
22 Sun got Adobe 's source code in the deal , a reasonably rare occurrence , but Adobe figures it 'll get back a lot of implementation improvements .
23 But then I do n't suppose it 'll matter much with twenty of us in there ; our combined breaths 'll be enough to give us a steam bath .
24 not quite right , but if I go it 'll break back off .
25 Another spring onion , I should think it 'll go well after your jam doughnut .
26 I do n't think it 'll burn off .
27 What time do you think it 'll end though ?
28 Do you think it 'll wear off ?
29 Do you think it 'll look still look cock-eyed , the brickwork ?
30 I have n't had any taken off , but er I mean it 'll go alright now
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