Example sentences of "[verb] it would n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I say it would n't relate to any accent in England anyway
2 As I say it would n't make any difference would it ?
3 She eased herself down a few rungs , praying it would n't collapse under her .
4 Oh , she had the bag of coins beneath the bedroom floorboards , but it was no fortune , and with four mouths to feed it would n't last very long .
5 She made for the study door and he wanted to say , ‘ I would n't if I were you ; he 's in a tear about something , ’ but he knew that even if he did speak it would n't deter her .
6 I imagine it would n't have taken her long to captivate you .
7 But Rob had said it would n't happen .
8 Kite was six under par when he inflicted on Clark the worst defeat in Ryder Cup singles history and in the process handed his side the initiative which for a time seemed it would n't relinquish .
9 If things were as they seemed it would n't matter .
10 On my 486 clone it would n't work without the battery , so I guess my cheapo serial port was n't up to scratch .
11 I suspect it would n't have happened if I had n't lost an important case , important to me anyway .
12 She does hope it would n't put you out , but she did n't know until yesterday , and you know how unreliable these baby-sitters can be ! ’
13 One week after our chat Jeff hit Ilona with divorce proceedings and everyone in the art world crowed that they had always known it would n't last .
14 ‘ I should have known it would n't work . ’
15 One , Federal Express just decided it would n't do it any more , and other other one Elan , a couple of weeks ago , or last week or whatever it was , decided it could n't afford to do it any more .
16 But when I left , I just felt it would n't happen , the politics were n't right .
17 the motif has many single stitches and I felt it would n't work at all in single-bed Fair Isle .
18 He had to say it ; he knew it would n't make any difference .
19 But he knew it would n't last , and it did n't .
20 Malc is my ex-husband , we were married when we were 17 — ( just ) and after 18 years were divorced to a chorus of , ‘ I knew it would n't last ! ’
21 ‘ Malc is my ex-husband , we were married when we were seventeen and after eighteen years were divorced to a chorus of ‘ I knew it would n't last ! ’ ‘
22 I knew it would n't last .
23 But I knew it would n't last .
24 I think I knew it would n't hold , but I was so close .
25 I knew it would n't hurt me to see how a gallery really functions , so I took the job .
26 I did n't think they could be like REM in seven album 's time , but there was a lot depth in there and I knew it would n't dry up after one or two albums , ’ he recalls .
27 Oh I was n't worried the box , I knew it would n't get that far .
28 ‘ I knew it would n't win — there was no aspect in his charts that showed he would . ’
29 Aye , that 's how , where I knew it would n't wan na go there .
30 Dotty was thirty-nine , but had he added twenty years onto her age he knew it would n't have deterred Harbour .
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