Example sentences of "[verb] what [pers pn] [verb] say " in BNC.

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1 I feel it would particularly suit what you have to say about CPRW , past , present and future .
2 Speakers express their message in terms of their own perceptions and within their own frame of reference without making any attempt to relate what they want to say with what the other person is likely to hear .
3 Then , we suddenly realise what we 've said .
4 The trick here is to know what you want to say and make sure that you say it .
5 The key to good writing is to know what you want to say .
6 So what I was gon na say was , that , that partic , partic er participant observations typically involves actually living with the , the study for a fair amount of time , so erm although they might tell you a pack of lies initially you can actually observe what they 're like , what they do and see whether they fit what they 've said and as time goes on you ha hope to develop some kind of rapport with them so that they might totally understand .
7 M. It 's despair at the lack of ( I 'm cheating , I did n't say all these things — but I 'm going to write what I want to say as well as what I did ) feeling , of love , of reason in the world .
8 But one simple fact emerges , namely that there are innumerable interconnections between the cells in one small region , which , of course , only reinforces what I have said several times already , namely that the neocortex talks a lot to itself .
9 That my mean risking your partner disliking what you have to say , but it is important that he or she knows your feelings .
10 That speakers do introduce what they want to say via some form of personal reference has a noticeable effect on the structure of contributions in conversational discourse .
11 Lord Aldington replied : ‘ This will be the hundredth time you say what I 've said is a lie , and it is the hundredth time you have made me very angry . ’
12 I feel I can encapsulate the feeling in the music and then say what I want to say in a direct manner .
13 Say what you came to say and go , ’ she heard .
14 Say what you came to say to him , ’ said Cadfael .
15 So it 's use the red obviously the title and the red 's for your introduction to say what you 're going to say then say it by using your greens and then say what you 've said by going back to the red and coming back to your objective .
16 Also , I learned to appreciate that as a critic you say what you have to say and go on to the next thing in LA you never go on to the next thing . ’
17 Say what you have to say .
18 Say what you have to say in as few words as possible
19 Say what you have to say , Fagin . ’
20 Refusing to be drawn into a discussion , she retorted bluntly , ‘ Just say what you have to say and go . ’
21 Say what you have to say in the morning .
22 When you work with people and you communicate you listen to what they say and you make sure you say what you need to say then that trust is there and that trust builds and it fosters trust , and really that 's what we 've got ta be looking for in the work situation .
23 A riot of other emotions raged through Fabia then , eventually ousted by shock that he could do what he 'd done , say what he 'd said and then — calmly leave !
24 He 's he 's shot himself in the foot in one sense , because he does n't know what we 've said already , so he may come and say exactly the same thing that we 've been saying , in which case we will cheer and you will boo .
25 Quiz them and they wo n't be able to tell you what was said , but they will know what they intend to say .
26 Do you know what I trying to say ? ’
27 How the hell did he know what I 'd said to Colonel Stok ?
28 She had told him a lie about Auntie Lou going for a walk up the mountain and Auntie Lou did n't know what she 'd said .
29 She looked with tentative excitement at Pat who , it seemed , did not know what she had said .
30 Erm sixty six percent of people believe that the people you vote for say they 'll do things for you but once they 're in they forget what they 've said .
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