Example sentences of "[verb] what [pers pn] 's [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Words ca n't describe what it 's like to be all ready for your operation and then be told it 's off again for the third time.It 's beyond a joke .
2 She does n't want to know what he 's like .
3 But you want to know what he 's like , in the flesh ?
4 oh leave it all cos nobody 's going to know what it 's about
5 To compare Raskolnikov 's haymarket with Kim 's bazaar is to see that Kipling has done all the work so that you do n't have to go there to know what it 's like at the level of vivid and varied description , whereas Dostoevsky leaves his reader with an impression which hovers between smell and vapour and dream .
6 Roberto offered Seve some great advice : ‘ You have to know what it 's like on these links .
7 ‘ I want to know what it 's like … what th'had to do every day .
8 Yes especially cos you do n't know what it 's for half the bloody time , she does n't know where she is .
9 I 've heard that phrase used but I do n't know what it 's for .
10 ‘ I have n't got a hand free and I do n't know what it 's about … ’
11 They 're their , their animals that 's all like that chicken up the garden I mean I do n't know what it 's in , might be in a run , but being the place that is in behind that shed , there ai n't that much space with a rabbit as well is there , you know , I mean , there might be a run on the floor , it 'll be crazy to have a run on the floor because she 's had rats
12 ‘ I was unemployed for nearly two years before I came here , I do know what it 's like .
13 ‘ Do you know what it 's like when people turn away before you 've finished speaking ?
14 ‘ Do n't know what it 's like inside but it 's as black as the ace of spades outside . ’
15 Stuck at work all day with no-one to come home to at night — all very well for you sitting holding hands with Ted with little Frieda watching , you do n't know what it 's like , being on your own , not really — ’
16 They have n't got kids , I do n't think , they do n't know what it 's like
17 You do n't know what it 's like to be a lonely artist , wandering gipsy , bum … oh , I know I 'm no good , you do n't need to tell me … look , can you … what kind of trouble ?
18 ‘ You just do n't know what it 's like living in a town — it 's different . ’
19 You do n't know what it 's like . ’
20 I mean , how can you really know what it 's like without trying it ?
21 You do n't know what it 's like , trying to go to sleep .
22 You do n't know what it 's like . ’
23 ‘ Do you know what it 's like ? ’ she said .
24 I do n't know what it 's like for a girl , but it 's not easy for a fella to get hold of contraception .
25 You do n't know what it 's like wondering what the hell he 's up to now and where he 's gone and when he 'll be back .
26 From their experiences of metal detecting readers must know what it 's like .
27 You do n't know what it 's like , running a house on just one wage , trying to bring up a child who outgrows everything almost as soon as you 've bought it . ’
28 You ca n't know that any more than I can ever know what it 's like giving birth to a child .
29 You never even set fire to a man on the ground , so you do n't know what it 's like to burn one . ’
30 ‘ Wait till we start campaigning , ’ Osbern of Eu had said to Thorfinn , ‘ and then you 'll know what it 's like to live again . ’
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