Example sentences of "[verb] if [pron] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He did n't know if they would succeed , but it showed that , even here , there were people prepared to work together for the common good .
2 Nicholas said , ‘ I did n't know if they would do it . ’
3 There 's a , I , I nearly booked up tickets to go and see this , but I did n't know if anybody would fancy going to see it with me .
4 Apparently , I do n't know if anybody would know , you know , do n't you .
5 I do n't know if you would like to talk to Mum and me first ? ’
6 Please let me know if you would like more .
7 Please let me know if you would like further information or have any comments to make on this briefing .
8 Please let me know if you would like any further information .
9 Please let me know if you would like any further information .
10 I do n't know if you would agree with that or what you think of that , and one might to combat that if you agree that is does exist ?
11 ‘ –I did n't know if you would come . ’
12 Odd-Knut did not know if he would break trail .
13 Tom did not know if he would have them .
14 I do n't know if it would affect
15 She did not know if it would reach Beatrix , of course , nor whether she would respond even if it did . ’
16 He tried to warm her with his body but he was so cold himself he did n't know if it would work .
17 I do n't know if it would have been there in Flaubert 's day .
18 I did n't know if it would have any value …
19 But he said that both sets of lawyers were unaware of the paper 's offer and he did not know if it would halt the looming legal action which alleges infringement of copyright in relation to the 1992 Christmas message .
20 " I thought of that , " said Clara , " but I do n't know if I would want to teach .
21 But I still do n't know if I would want to return here . ’
22 I do view this as one of the ‘ great classics but I do not know if I would say it is the greatest book ever written in English as I have not yet read widely enough but I would definitely say that for all the above reasons that it is a great book .
23 He says : ‘ I do n't know if I would have been slightly criminal , but would not have been a very nice human being .
24 I do n't actually know if I would have been best friends with her had I not met her before , but we get along well now , + are well suited .
25 The sharing of the collector 's salary was really what appears to have been in the thoughts of Craigbarnet and his friends , for Dougalston too returned to this point in his letter to Montrose 's commissioner , telling him that Craigbarnet 's friends had given him to understand that they would support Kirkton 's re-election , ‘ with the same sellary that he now has if he would give Craigbarnett fifteen or twentie pound sterling yearly out of it ’ .
26 He suspects alcohol abuse and wants to know if we would consider counselling . ’
27 He felt like telling the old folk it was not New Year 's Eve , but he doubted if they would believe him .
28 If it were to come to a physical fight with Nutty McTavish he doubted if he would win , for she was a formidable thirteen-year-old with a fighting spirit unmatched by any of her male counterparts in the class .
29 He doubted if the authorities represented by Merymose and Kenamun would pay him as much as Reni or Ipuky would have ; and he doubted if he would receive any reward at all if he were unsuccessful .
30 On the tail , lane road , give way to vehicles coming towards you you must not overtake if you would have to cross or straddle double white lines with a solid line on the out of you , erm if you 're within a zig zag area , the pelican crossing , after a normal overtaking sign until the end of the restriction , do not overtake when you can not see far enough ahead , for example , when coming through
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