Example sentences of "[verb] or [adv] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 Not without opposition from other sections of the bureaucracy especially those.in Finance ministries , MITI argued that long-term self-reliance for Japan would be delayed or even undermined by following its apparent comparative advantage into labour intensive sectors .
2 14.1 This Agreement may not be assigned or otherwise transferred by any Party in whole or in Party without the express prior written consent of the other Parties .
3 None of these collections was well catalogued or well arranged by present-day standards , and none was accessible to the general public .
4 The appearance in the Tripoli courtroom of the two suspects , Abdel Baset Ali Mohammed al-Megrahi and al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah , disproved persistent US suggestions that they had been hidden or even executed by the Libyan authorities .
5 Provided there is no physically damaging effect , it would seem that what is seen , said , done , heard or physically felt by the mother has no effect whatever , but that emotional factors during pregnancy can have good or bad effect .
6 The government also announced that it would be selling shares in enterprises owned or partly owned by the state and would be asking others to sign performance contracts .
7 There is an important stage at which the person-centred world is superseded or rather supplemented by the world of which the person is one part .
8 It must NOT be deleted or otherwise removed by the Hard Copy Manager .
9 The dominant culture may well be one that has been fostered or actively imposed by the Organisation in the person of its managers .
10 If , as seems likely , the trend continues for the curricular domination of individual subjects to be supplemented or indeed replaced by a more fluid organization of learning in terms of either modular units or work-related competencies , this is also likely to strengthen the support for records of achievement with or without a component of external examination .
11 Time and again a landowner , the man who actually has the most to lose since it is his land , is willing to donate corners of his fields for ponds or tree planting , as his contribution to the environmental compromise of a land-drainage scheme ; but then a letter from his agent arrives , demanding that these corners be heavily compensated or even bought by the water authority , as payment for the concessions made .
12 In short , theology is no longer simply taken for granted or even accepted by society at large .
13 This consideration was never advanced or even pondered by the opponents of the agreement .
14 Copyright protects your work from being copied or commercially exploited by someone else without your consent .
15 4.2 acknowledges that the copyright in any modifications , additions or translations commissioned or otherwise effected by and at the expense of to meet market needs in the Territories shall remain the copyright of .
16 Owen distrusted castles unless he had had the ordering of them and the garrisoning for a year or more ; there was infinitely more safety in the hills , because the hills were his castle and not another man 's , and could not be betrayed or easily taken by storm .
17 Duhem is suggesting that individual non-observation sentences can not be conclusively verified or conclusively falsified by observation , by the evidence of our senses .
18 Furthermore , any act which falls within the express or implied powers of the vendor contained in its memorandum of association , whether or not a breach of duty on the part of the vendor 's directors , will be binding on the vendor if it is approved or subsequently ratified by the shareholders .
19 The section provides that the Secretary of State may make provisions by regulations in relation to revised accounts and reports which , in particular , may : — make different provisions according to whether the previous documents are replaced or merely supplemented by a statement of corrections ; deal with the functions of the auditors ; require the directors to take specified steps in relation to circulation to members and others entitled under section 238 ; laying before a general meeting and delivery to the Registrar ; and the application of provisions of the Act ( including penalties ) .
20 Conflicts over collective consumption facilities and services provided or directly funded by the state have become more explicit and important ( Castells , 1979 ) .
21 Will the Secretary of State confirm that fully two thirds of the costs of Trident have already been spent or contractually committed by the present Government ?
22 A model damaged by a bolt thrower sustains not 1 but D4 wounds , which means that even large monsters can be hurt or even slain by a hit from a bolt thrower .
23 Because of the ontological indeterminacy inherent in the narrative , it is often impossible to tell who an interlocutor is , or whether a scene is being remembered or merely imagined by one of the characters involved .
24 Whilst the nine freedoms for the model spaces may be fixed or automatically updated by associative rules , it is also necessary to be able to express a range for the view parameters .
25 All life-forms exist ultimately to be eaten or otherwise consumed by animals : by predators , for example , ( you can include man ) , by microbes or by auto-digestion .
26 These aspects of Cyrene — a monarchic government supported or occasionally subverted by horsebreeding aristocrats — recall two other places whose hospitality Pindar sampled early in his career , Thessaly and Macedon .
27 A servant of the Crown is not himself liable for contracts made by him on behalf of the Crown , nor is he liable as a principal for the acts or defaults of his subordinates unless expressly authorized or subsequently ratified by him .
28 The site that was identified or potentially identified by by the house builders in York was a site which both the County Council and the District Council considered performed a number of greenbelt functions , I think that it would be accepted that in any development plan land should only be allocated if there were some degree of certainty that it would come forward for development within the plan period , the site that was identified , there had been no objections made to the Southern Ryedale local plan so therefore there were no indications that it would have come forward for development within that plan period anyway , had it been identified , had it been allocated .
29 Competitive Regulation : here , the aim is to ensure that competition is not eliminated or seriously hampered by the formation of cartels .
30 Frequently ethnicity is maintained or even heightened by physical or political conditions ; for example , ethnic minorities of Commonwealth origin in Britain are clearly marked out from the indigenous population by skin colour .
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