Example sentences of "[verb] as well [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The majority ( 88% ) of the tumours studied were described histologically as moderately differentiated , with only a single tumour ( 2% ) described as well differentiated and the remainder ( 10% ) , poorly differentiated .
2 The animals will become as well fitted as they can be to the local conditions .
3 Annika Sorenstam , the 22-year-old Swede who was playing in what was only her second LPGA event , finished as well placed as fourth — a performance which won her some $37,000 .
4 They are then chilled and filtered to remove the remaining yeast and are usually pasteurised as well to ensure that death is complete .
5 The public interest would not perhaps be regarded as well served if a fully qualified solicitor was effectively deprived of the opportunity of practising his profession : this may be behind the Scottish decision of Dallas McMillan & Sinclair v Simpson ( 1988 ) SLT 454 where the covenant purported to prevent the outgoing partner from practising as a solicitor within 20 miles of the centre of Glasgow , an area in which roughly half of Scotland 's law firms were said to be located .
6 But despite the criticisms , the prison is described as well run and the report praised staff relations with the inmates .
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