Example sentences of "[verb] his [noun] and [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He beat his chest and sang a song that turned out to be the old monarchist Bulgarian anthem .
2 Corbett strained his ears and grinned .
3 He strained his eyes and glimpsed a shadow darker than the rest .
4 Then she unbuttoned his suspenders and pulled his socks off .
5 He unbuttoned his jacket and dragged her on to his knees .
6 He tugged at the zip on the back of her dress while she unbuttoned his shirt and removed his tie .
7 Masha unbuttoned his shirt and slid her hand down .
8 He unbuttoned his coat and reached inside .
9 A veteran of Le Mans , he 's won his class and finished 5th overall in the past .
10 He modified his plans and built another .
11 Penitent for this lapse , he dismissed his household and sold his stud .
12 The dispute that followed is the most acrimonious in Britain since 1986 when Rupert Murdoch dismissed his printers and moved his newspapers to Wapping .
13 Tired of their lack of success Caledor II dismissed his generals and took command personally .
14 Although Mr Cross was perturbed at his strange encounter , he dismissed his consternation and decided that she must have been a village girl who had watched the train and then returned home .
15 After his victory Edward rallied his troops and marched north to lay siege to Calais .
16 He smothered his dislike and said in a gossiping tone , ‘ Actually , I 'm rather in need of a bit of specialist help at the moment . ’
17 Cranston squatted down with his back to the wall , smacked his lips and gazed hungrily up at the hams and other meats hanging from ropes on the rafters to be cured .
18 Downing his tot in one go , he smacked his lips and said , ‘ Come on , Laddie , a thimbleful wo n't hurt you .
19 This was the day Kenneth Baker smacked his lips and pronounced that Labour are ‘ soft on crime ’ .
20 At last Cranston burped , smacked his lips and handed the bowl back .
21 As he finished , he smacked his lips and swore to spend Eternity in Hell , if only there was a ready supply of the drink .
22 Ranulf smacked his lips and placed his tankard on the table .
23 Balor grinned at Snodgrass and smacked his lips and grabbed the cask of mead and thought that had n't the Humans strange , mimsing appetites to be sure .
24 He smacked his lips and stroked his moustache with surprise .
25 Federal Treasurer Paul Keating retained his post and added to it the title of Deputy Prime Minister , thereby increasing speculation that he would succeed Hawke as Prime Minister [ see above ] .
26 Hard fingers encircled his arm and haled him out of the room , and he went like one in a dream , unable to resist but ready for some treacherous pitfall to open under his feet at every step .
27 Having assured himself that he was all alone , he climbed from his bed , entered his dressing-gown and took himself down to the kitchen for the first breakfast of the day .
28 When , later in 1582 , Sir Humphrey Gilbert [ q.v. ] was preparing an American colonizing expedition , Clerke entered his service and served as master of his flagship , the Delight , first under William Winter and then Maurice Browne as captains , between June and August 1583 .
29 It was a 60th birthday surprise when Simon Fraser , Technical Director , entered his office and found the room full of well wishers and birthday decorations .
30 This is the moment when it comes into his mind to ask himself what he 's doing in this place ; to see the meaninglessness of his business there , and the hollowness of his enjoyments ; to lose sight suddenly of what it is in the texture of life that has ever occupied his attention and led him forward .
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