Example sentences of "[verb] it [adv prt] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Pitching : there are two methods of putting the tent up — either flysheet first , or you can leave the inner attached and put it up all in one .
2 Place finger back over end of tube and you can lift it out complete with rubbish and tip away .
3 You might find it helpful to plan what you will say in advance and to talk it over first with someone you trust and who already knows the situation .
4 It had been prepared originally by the secret society he had joined two years earlier after being forced off his own rice lands for nonpayment of taxes , and he had copied it out dozens of times already in trying to win new recruits for the society in remote jungle villages far from Saigon .
5 ‘ RRP will be introduced slice by slice so we can learn as we go along ; the risks are too big to put it in all at once .
6 This would have the double value of hiding its stark skin and of giving it back some of its missing insulation .
7 It plucks a long grass stem , carefully strips it of any side leaves it may have and then pokes it down one of the entrance holes of a termite nest .
8 They came down in their own time , after they 'd left off work , and they 'd have a small job done ; and then they 'd take it back ready for work the next morning .
9 The ball come across and er I see Bedford had his back to the goal , and I could see he was going to swivel and hit it with his left foot , and I 've just come across the goal and er , he just hit it down low to my right hand side and luckily I 've come the right way and pushed it wide .
10 But he said to Geoff do n't pay it off all in one lump sum
11 took it all to pieces , cleaned it up all inside it 's great , I thought right I 'll take it outside and I 'll try it now
12 They thought it up all by themselves ! ’
13 Each horse had his own harness ; and if it could n't be spared to be sent down to the shop for repair , the horseman brought it himself , got it seen to and took it back ready for work on the next day .
14 A lioness , having caught a gazelle , may not kill it but drag it back alive to her cubs and give it to them so that , crippled though it is , the cubs may have a little practice in how to bring it down .
15 Been doing it all week so I might as well get it over all in one week , like .
16 ‘ Do n't gobble it down all at once this time .
17 yeah , just like erm , say a Friday or Saturday night when I take the car to go home , Sarah 's worked it out that by the time she walks upstairs and into her bedroom , she normally sees me going down Upping Road , but she does n't see me , next days it 's oh where did you go ? or what happened ? ,
18 squares the ball to his left and Alan the left back just pushes it out wide to that far side but he loses out , competing successfully , he 's got going forward if he can find him , and gets it and lays it off to and can now run at Mickey once more .
19 In assimilating a presentational form we have to take it in all at once , rather than sequentially , and there is nothing equivalent to grammatical structure underlying it ( 1942 : 90–3 ) .
20 She had lovely long hair and I 'd roll it up all in little merry widow curls .
21 working it out any of them them all and then you can miss out the ones we do you feel you do n't need .
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