Example sentences of "[verb] it [prep] [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It will be tough for him but from what I 've seen , he has it in him to cope . ’
2 Heaven knows whether he has it in him to take on the legacy of Melvyn Bragg in the 21st century , but he will give Artrageous ! the hip image a youth-oriented arts programme needs to convey .
3 Having won already this season on the main tour ( as well as a senior event in Japan ) , he believes he has it in him to do so again , though not to wipe the slate clean after his defeat in a play-off against Nick Faldo in 1990 .
4 He still wants to fight , believes he still has it in him to fight .
5 The outing was set up by her former Tory MP , the late Richard Holt , who also fixed it for her to take her first flight — an 80-minute trip over the Bay of Biscay in Concorde — when she was 109 .
6 ‘ It is , but even the most hard-pressed executive owes it to himself to relax occasionally and give himself some space . ’
7 Then say this one should recover his losses , and that he owes it to himself to let us at least do that for him .
8 Why he never troubled to publish his knowledge , I do not know , except that he was an aristocrat , and so perhaps considered it beneath him to publish .
9 The silence seemed to go on interminably , before either Mr Smith or Mr Jones found it in him to mutter : ‘ I suppose we were talking a little out of turn there .
10 Not noted for his ability in the air , Gascoigne sensed the kill and found it in himself to jump high , evade the challenge of tall defender Silvano Bendetti and meet the ball with power and precision , guiding it emphatically past goalkeeper Giuseppe Zinetti .
11 This was the first time and it was pressure of work that we have n't done it for you to see it earlier , this is not normal so just forgive this one time and we need n't spend any more thought on it because next time it it going to be different and it always has been different .
12 He 's only just lent it to me to use during this week .
13 Yes , binge , they put it with it to stay skinny
14 We put it to him to make these the basis of his leadership now .
15 She had been surprised to find that he did n't feel it beneath him to help her in the house .
16 Er I did bring it with me to give to but obviously I 'll have to send it now .
17 And she says , soon as she gets the money she 's gon na give it to me to give to yous .
18 If so , you can give it to me to keep clean and I can hand it to you when you want it .
19 " Well then , your Aunt Doris did n't give it to you to squander on trips abroad , " said Mrs Maugham .
20 I mean I can give it to you to take it in tomorrow morning
21 He pulled a crumpled letter out of his shirt pocket , opened it and handed it to her to read .
22 The technique learned during those years did n't fail him on this occasion , for he stepped forward , swung the bitel in such a way that to my amazement and also that of the onlookers , the disc just sprang up the standard and hit the gong with a resounding clang , whereupon Dad modestly collected his prize of a coconut , handed it to me to carry and we went on our way .
23 He might have had it with him to protect himself against " an imminent and particular threat " .
24 However , some of them might have had it in them to refrain from congratulating the Government on delivering the two worst recessions of the post-war years .
25 ‘ And I think , after all the hours I have put in for nothing teaching you to ride , that you owe it to me to do your level best to win this competition .
26 For health insurance reasons you owe it to yourself to take care of your one and only body — your working machine .
27 You owe it to yourself to behave properly , not to me . ’
28 ‘ You owe it to yourself to help us to help you .
29 So much is at stake when you start a job that you owe it to yourself to think all the implications through .
30 You owe it to yourself to extract yourself from your present situation and reassess your life .
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