Example sentences of "[verb] it would [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The new company promised it would provide a better service to the North , including a news service specifically for South Durham , Teesside and North Yorkshire .
2 ‘ I had expected it would take a little while just to organise your thoughts . ’
3 They acknowledged that if emancipation were eventually to come it would require the moral progress and demographic increase consequent upon a conscious policy of a more equal sex ratio amongst slaves ; education and religious instruction ; the reorganisation of the work of the slaves to provide a progressive increase in the time devoted to autonomous labour from which earnings could be directed to self-purchase ; possibly too recognition of obligations to the former master even after the date of legal emancipation .
4 Although the project was a disaster , costing France £10 million , and counter-productive in giving Greenpeace much-needed publicity about France 's nuclear tests , it at least gave the DGSE some confidence that if in the future it accepted another Henry II-type command it would have the backing of its politicians .
5 Yeah If you could hear what she say it 'd make a difference I expect I 'd of gone for another vowel there , it you 'd gone for E it of been
6 Well I still think that well say you have a big massive thing and , and say it 'd take a hundred people mm er I suppose the bigger it is the more economical it is .
7 As the core cooled it would form a solid outer shell , and as this shell further cooled through the Curie temperature it could retain today the magnetic field of the remnant liquid iron core within it .
8 Although he did not commit a future Labour government to taking the tunnel into public ownership , he made it clear that he believed it would require a public stake to complete the project .
9 I knew MPs who could n't sleep at night because they were going through lobbies voting against their consciences for the Gulf war — to kill 100,000 people — because they believed it would help a Labour victory .
10 If we believed it would have an adverse effect on claims , we would discourage people from buying timber-frame .
11 He says it would set a precedent .
12 The Government says it would give the pensioners more security .
13 The club 's facing opposition from residents living near the site and a council , which says it would devastate a green belt area .
14 The council says it would welcome the chance to expand on the submission when the inquiry takes oral evidence .
15 To cut down disturbance during construction , the company says it would have a railway siding built off the main BR line .
16 And Japanese fishermen would pay huge sums for a tortoiseshell tom , to keep as a ship 's cat , for it was thought it would protect the crew from the ghosts of their ancestors and the vessel itself from storms .
17 In fact , I have always thought it would make a great spectacle for television if performed in surf with three contestants confined to a small area , all trying to knock each other of their boards .
18 Not only were we not interested in how socialism was realized , we did n't believe it would make the slightest difference to the position of women even if it were .
19 It shows it would cost the taxpayer between £8 million and £10 million a year less to keep a pit open than the continuing Exchequer cost of closure .
20 Because ideally if , if , if a dream was really gon na work it would disguise the anxiety under some reassuring manifest content that would stop you feeling anxious and therefore waking , would n't it ?
21 Leadership challenger Bryan Gould claimed it would put a ‘ straightjacket ’ on the economy .
22 I was told it would take a year for anything to happen — but so far nothing has , apart from the issue being worse , plus minor accidents being a weekly event .
23 The new constable has sent each of ye a mug o' wine — reckoned it 'd make a change from ale .
24 If the plans were to be implemented as they stand it would mean a significant deterioration in Maternity services .
25 The hon. Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) recently said to the House , rather chillingly , that if Labour were re-elected it would treat the national health service as it did last time .
26 There was no doubt that if it did spread to the nearest stack it would set the whole hayfield alight in a very short time .
27 After the many modifications subsequently made to his scheme , the STV as we know it would ensure the subservience of all of them .
28 Behind Psychic TV exists an occult , disparate breed of hipsters heavily into Gary Glitter , early Sabbath , Arthur Brown , Grateful Dead just because they know it would scandalize the prevailing arbiters of taste .
29 But of course the problems are with this contract that it would n't suit everybody , one because you 've got no access for the ten years , you 've bought the contract up front , and if you want access to it , it 's very limited and of course if you cash an endowment early as we know it 'd damage the , the er the income sorry the , the growth at the end of the plan .
30 There 's always a risk it may be hijacked but even a minimal military force accompanying it would warn the Serbs that the West meant business .
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