Example sentences of "[verb] it have [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 If it 's to work it has to be part of a general strategy for traffic in an area not on one street at a time .
2 In 1929 the work of a cub reporter on a small town daily newspaper occupied his time from early morning until often late at night , seven days a week — in other words whenever something newsworthy was happening it had to be covered , and there were no limits to the time spent or the hours required to adequately cover any given assignment .
3 The contracts typically say that the decision of the expert is to be final and binding , and that is what the courts say it has to be , in the absence of fraud , partiality or mistake .
4 said well if the E E C say it has to be done why do n't
5 He believed it had to be interpreted .
6 CLI is currently out in review form at the moment — the group says it has to be fine-tuned before it can be released to members in July .
7 If the Trust Deed says the pension has to be paid at sixty , then the Trust Deed says it has to be paid at sixty , surely that you know , that 's something you ca n't get rid of .
8 He said that he did not favour an increase in taxation but ‘ when it has to be done it has to be done ’ .
9 Before the programme is finally adopted it has to be referred back to the European Parliament for a second time .
10 But before any package is made it has to be designed and tested to make sure it meets all the legal , technical and commercial needs .
11 Before the plutonium can be used it has to be reprocessed , the process by which it is separated from the unused uranium and radio active waste in spent , irradiated fuel .
12 But Hebbert was there , guide in hand , picking out the classics on the Left Wall ( he reasoned it had to be a route on the left wall to provide a contrast to the big slab route just completed ) .
13 ‘ Staff are told it has to be user-led and then that it has to be rationed and controlled ’ .
14 Particularly , you know it has to be said there is a particular age class background and so on and so forth .
15 I know it has to be done , but it seems I 'm no good at it .
16 I mean we have no choice really , some of these things have to happen , you know it has to be done ,
17 from Louth showed his expertise in the Yard of Ale — alas he did n't take the trophy this year ( will it have to be a metre in 1992 ? )
18 I broke off branches of deep purple cherries devouring enough vitamin C for the rest of the length of the canal if walked it had to be , waving their thick-leaved wands at the flies , as I plodded the day 's last few solitary miles .
19 He said : ‘ We are saying it has to be a coalition .
20 Well it 's not , they 're not saying it 's solved they 're saying it has to be delayed until it 's actually possible .
21 To be sure of providing physicists with details of the world beyond the standard model , the SSC 's designers decided it had to be able to make particles with masses of one trillion electron volts ( 1TeV ) .
22 She decided it had to be Aunt Tossie .
23 The city council decided it had to be cleaned up , the union demanded exceptional payments deadlock .
24 Well , I suppose it has to be something to do with a net !
25 It ca n't be just figures it has to be some sort of er summation does n't it as well or not ?
26 If you 've got an idea or a message to send it has to be encoded in some way then there 's various mediums or media by which it can be transmitted but it 's got to be decoded by the receiver for the idea or message to be understood , and there 's some kind of feedback mechanism potentially from the receiver to the sender .
27 The fact that full screen video has become an apparent norm , imposed by our experience of television , cinema and — amongst a select few — videodisc , does not mean it has to be an essential ingredient of interactive multimedia .
28 However , vendors rarely find this acceptable , if only because the fact that the guarantee is then given to a third party may mean it has to be dealt with as a separate note in the balance sheet .
29 ‘ I felt it had to be my fault : I was a weak human being with no moral fibre or I would have been able to kick the habit . ’
30 I felt it had to be a heart attack .
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