Example sentences of "[verb] to be [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There does need to be some organisation and structure , teachers do need time to organise their classrooms before the start of school and no one really wants to engage in long discussions when there are children to be settled and registers to be marked .
2 Usually to be defined as child sex abuse I think w for most authors there 'd need to be some kind of discrepancy in the ages in some way , that is y'know if somebody was about thirteen and the other person was about eighteen it might be ah starting to get er a big enough discrepancy to be outside the realm of of y'know kind of normal y'know sort of boyfriend and girlfriend to use those saccarinous terms erm relationships and maybe might be considered to be er to be something like child abuse .
3 And the conclusions appear to be that migration into the county needs to be modified , and secondly , that government policy was then and still is to pursue policies leading to the regeneration of urban areas e around North Yorkshire particularly West Yorkshire er and Cleveland .
4 There appear to be few limits to the human capacity to learn .
5 It 's expected to be some weeks before all the shops damaged in the arson attack can be re-opened .
6 The former has now left the SVR and the latter is due to do so in early June , the last chance to sample the flavour of an unrebuilt Bulleid Pacific on ‘ the Valley ’ is expected to be this weekend .
7 The reason appearing to be that menarche is weight-triggered and in particular is turned on by er body weight reaching erm a certain proportion I think it 's about eighteen percent of weight erm erm represented by body fat triggers , triggers menarche .
8 I pretended to be another friend , and asked for your phone number . "
9 The advantages to management of so doing are claimed to be that wage costs are reduced , that the relatively powerful skilled craft union is replaced by the weaker general union , and , perhaps most importantly , management can exercise much tighter control over what happens on the shop-floor .
10 Claimed to be more user friendly is a product from Interpet , Pond Balance , which is said to be environmentally safe and actually encourage plant growth .
11 The second view is that Judas told the chief priests that Jesus had claimed to be some sort of Messiah ; perhaps one who would lead a rebellion against the Romans .
12 If the origin of life is such an improbable event that it happened on only one planet in the universe , then our planet has to be that planet .
13 It has to do , it has to be all bits , that 's what that 's all you do .
14 Thus the modern saloon and hatchback has to be all things to all people .
15 There has to be enough space for her and the patient , and preferably room for the carer to watch the washing session as well .
16 For that , there has to be some evidence that the pupils or students are responding to what is put before them .
17 Thus although the general attitude of the public is sympathetic to the mentally handicapped in our society , there remains an overriding sense of pity that they are as they are , and a feeling that there has to be some degree of segregation between them and the rest of society .
18 Thus there has to be some degree of policy enthusiasm for prevention and outpatient services if the dominance of hospital inpatient beds over the care system is to change in any one administrative area .
19 In the end there has to be some way of restructuring the mode of analysis to take account both of gender differences in role , status and resources within the family , and also outside it .
20 In other words , if this programme is to succeed there has to be some way of associating plain honest numbers with abstract operators .
21 ‘ I 'm sure there has to be some way round this , Mr Braithwaite .
22 There has to be some way to persuade people to enter before an event .
23 ‘ But when you go on telly there has to be some compromise , like I swear all the f—ing time , but that does n't bother me , I do n't feel like I 'm selling my life away just to get on the telly . ’
24 Instead , there simply has to be some consensus among the Rowdies that if things got really bad he would still maintain his stance and be man enough to deal with it .
25 It has to be some kind of conspiracy .
26 There has to be some kind of learning principle behind what they are asking .
27 ‘ In any family situation where both parents are working , there has to be some division of labour , so we both concentrated on different aspects of the household commitments .
28 When things get very black there has to be some echo of the religious sense ; the longing for a sense of redemption is a deep human need .
29 There is at least one similarity between the two approaches : there has to be some mechanism by which something corresponding to a complex ref-O is represented .
30 Thus there has to be some mechanism that would eliminate the very large effective cosmological constant and so change the rate of expansion from an accelerated one to one that is slowed down by gravity , as we have today .
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