Example sentences of "[verb] to be [prep] great " in BNC.

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1 However , the fact that the issue was raised at all by a US President , and in such an unequivocal manner , was widely considered to be of great significance .
2 One which I found to be of great value in my business life , until the advent of decimalisation , was learnt in Standard Four , in the usual sing-song fashion .
3 Following her arrival , she obtained a temporary job as a nurse in the Hospital of Hope , and this situation was destined to be of great use , not least to her future husband .
4 His words were taken up by many who would not have dreamed of opening any of his more technical works , and he came to be in great demand as a speaker at rallies and at the numerous conferences and seminars on the death of images organized by the Universities , the Churches and the innumerable Humanist organizations which had mushroomed in the immediately preceding decades .
5 Water quality does not appear to be of great concern to these hardy fish , although an approximate simulation of Amazonian habitats does encourage them to exhibit better coloration .
6 The United States seemed to be in great shape .
7 You are going to be in great danger until you have positive news of Clarion Call .
8 The tone of Tithonus ' words seem to be of great regret and self lamenting .
9 The continued marketing of products of dubious provenance , dubious efficacy , and dubious quality could bring discredit to a new approach to stopping smoking that seems to be of great potential benefit .
10 Employment prospects for electrical engineers are excellent due to the ever-extending applications of electronics , and Edinburgh 's graduates continue to be in great demand .
11 ‘ Your kitchens obviously continue to be in great demand , ’ Ashley said .
12 There is no doubt that gas has proved to be of great benefit to the Netherlands but as in the case of the UK , with its North Sea oil bonanza , various consequences of hydrocarbon wealth , such as a strengthening home currency , tended to precipitate industrial decline in some sectors of the economy and in the case of the Netherlands , the costs of developing a gas infrastructure outweighed the return for some years .
13 The items I have found on such sites have proved to be of great interest , and I have been logging them down very carefully .
14 It has proved to be of great popular interest and audiences of more than 200 people have attended the series of lectures on ‘ Studying the Scottish Home ’ , which were held in the Royal Museum of Scotland this winter .
15 In practice the phenothiazines and lithium proved to be of great importance in managing schizophrenia and mania , respectively , and in helping to restore many patients to everyday life .
16 The Kingman Report proved to be of great value to my Working Group .
17 This disturbing event proved to be of great significance , since it taught me never to allow ideas to become rooted in the mind .
18 And this problem of information usability continues to be of great concern :
19 Nevertheless , among the middle class , there were few institutions so revered as the schools , and their influence in clubs was held to be of great consequence as reformers regularly called for public-school men to come forward to work in the clubs .
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