Example sentences of "[verb] to me now [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He says John 's wo n't speak to me now because of the motorbike and er I says oh Ryan you must be imagining things , he says no he says he just wo n't talk to me because I 've got the motorbike .
2 If he came to me now and knelt and handed me the poker , I could n't hit him .
3 It occurs to me now that the man might just possibly have meant this in a humorous sort of way ; that is to say , he intended it as a bantering remark .
4 He hands me a brown manila file , and a handwritten invoice which I imagine he is giving to me now while the connection between the reams of faxes and the many noughts , in local shillings , of his invoice is still fresh .
5 It seems to me now that I must have been more than a little simple , because I received a telephone call from the home the very next day .
6 ( Note that Liz Waterland has modified her idea of apprenticeship since this 1985 pamphlet appeared : ‘ It seems to me now that the text , whether in print or in the child 's own creation , is the guide and demonstrator , the adult and the child together are the apprentices — albeit at different stages of competence — who are feeling their way towards knowledge of the meaning of words ’ ( Waterland , 1986 , p. 147 ) .
7 In fact , it seems to me now that what remained constant did so , and all the more so , because of the changes with which the family was faced .
8 Ellen , I would that you could come to me now that you are alone and would ask you to consider it seriously .
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